
fetch_feed ( $url )
  • (string|string[]) $url URL of feed to retrieve. If an array of URLs, the feeds are merged using SimplePie's multifeed feature. See also {@link}
  • (SimplePie|WP_Error) SimplePie object on success or WP_Error object on failure.

fetch_feed – 这个函数检索一个RSS提要并返回一个SimplePie对象,可用于显示提要内容。它接受feed的URL作为其唯一的参数。

根据URL的RSS或Atom feed建立SimplePie对象。

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function fetch_feed( $url ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'SimplePie', false ) ) {
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-simplepie.php';
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-feed-cache-transient.php';
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-simplepie-file.php';
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-simplepie-sanitize-kses.php';
$feed = new SimplePie();
$feed->set_sanitize_class( 'WP_SimplePie_Sanitize_KSES' );
// We must manually overwrite $feed->sanitize because SimplePie's constructor
// sets it before we have a chance to set the sanitization class.
$feed->sanitize = new WP_SimplePie_Sanitize_KSES();
// Register the cache handler using the recommended method for SimplePie 1.3 or later.
if ( method_exists( 'SimplePie_Cache', 'register' ) ) {
SimplePie_Cache::register( 'wp_transient', 'WP_Feed_Cache_Transient' );
$feed->set_cache_location( 'wp_transient' );
} else {
// Back-compat for SimplePie 1.2.x.
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-feed-cache.php';
$feed->set_cache_class( 'WP_Feed_Cache' );
$feed->set_file_class( 'WP_SimplePie_File' );
$feed->set_feed_url( $url );
/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-feed-cache-transient.php */
$feed->set_cache_duration( apply_filters( 'wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime', 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS, $url ) );
* Fires just before processing the SimplePie feed object.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param SimplePie $feed SimplePie feed object (passed by reference).
* @param string|string[] $url URL of feed or array of URLs of feeds to retrieve.
do_action_ref_array( 'wp_feed_options', array( &$feed, $url ) );
$feed->set_output_encoding( get_option( 'blog_charset' ) );
if ( $feed->error() ) {
return new WP_Error( 'simplepie-error', $feed->error() );
return $feed;
function fetch_feed( $url ) { if ( ! class_exists( 'SimplePie', false ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-simplepie.php'; } require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-feed-cache-transient.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-simplepie-file.php'; require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-simplepie-sanitize-kses.php'; $feed = new SimplePie(); $feed->set_sanitize_class( 'WP_SimplePie_Sanitize_KSES' ); // We must manually overwrite $feed->sanitize because SimplePie's constructor // sets it before we have a chance to set the sanitization class. $feed->sanitize = new WP_SimplePie_Sanitize_KSES(); // Register the cache handler using the recommended method for SimplePie 1.3 or later. if ( method_exists( 'SimplePie_Cache', 'register' ) ) { SimplePie_Cache::register( 'wp_transient', 'WP_Feed_Cache_Transient' ); $feed->set_cache_location( 'wp_transient' ); } else { // Back-compat for SimplePie 1.2.x. require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-feed-cache.php'; $feed->set_cache_class( 'WP_Feed_Cache' ); } $feed->set_file_class( 'WP_SimplePie_File' ); $feed->set_feed_url( $url ); /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-feed-cache-transient.php */ $feed->set_cache_duration( apply_filters( 'wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime', 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS, $url ) ); /** * Fires just before processing the SimplePie feed object. * * @since 3.0.0 * * @param SimplePie $feed SimplePie feed object (passed by reference). * @param string|string[] $url URL of feed or array of URLs of feeds to retrieve. */ do_action_ref_array( 'wp_feed_options', array( &$feed, $url ) ); $feed->init(); $feed->set_output_encoding( get_option( 'blog_charset' ) ); if ( $feed->error() ) { return new WP_Error( 'simplepie-error', $feed->error() ); } return $feed; }
function fetch_feed( $url ) {
	if ( ! class_exists( 'SimplePie', false ) ) {
		require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-simplepie.php';

	require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-feed-cache-transient.php';
	require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-simplepie-file.php';
	require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-simplepie-sanitize-kses.php';

	$feed = new SimplePie();

	$feed->set_sanitize_class( 'WP_SimplePie_Sanitize_KSES' );
	// We must manually overwrite $feed->sanitize because SimplePie's constructor
	// sets it before we have a chance to set the sanitization class.
	$feed->sanitize = new WP_SimplePie_Sanitize_KSES();

	// Register the cache handler using the recommended method for SimplePie 1.3 or later.
	if ( method_exists( 'SimplePie_Cache', 'register' ) ) {
		SimplePie_Cache::register( 'wp_transient', 'WP_Feed_Cache_Transient' );
		$feed->set_cache_location( 'wp_transient' );
	} else {
		// Back-compat for SimplePie 1.2.x.
		require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-feed-cache.php';
		$feed->set_cache_class( 'WP_Feed_Cache' );

	$feed->set_file_class( 'WP_SimplePie_File' );

	$feed->set_feed_url( $url );
	/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-feed-cache-transient.php */
	$feed->set_cache_duration( apply_filters( 'wp_feed_cache_transient_lifetime', 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS, $url ) );

	 * Fires just before processing the SimplePie feed object.
	 * @since 3.0.0
	 * @param SimplePie       $feed SimplePie feed object (passed by reference).
	 * @param string|string[] $url  URL of feed or array of URLs of feeds to retrieve.
	do_action_ref_array( 'wp_feed_options', array( &$feed, $url ) );

	$feed->set_output_encoding( get_option( 'blog_charset' ) );

	if ( $feed->error() ) {
		return new WP_Error( 'simplepie-error', $feed->error() );

	return $feed;


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