
wp_dropdown_categories ( $args = '' )
  • (array|string) $args { Optional. Array or string of arguments to generate a categories drop-down element. See WP_Term_Query::__construct() for information on additional accepted arguments. @type string $show_option_all Text to display for showing all categories. Default empty. @type string $show_option_none Text to display for showing no categories. Default empty. @type string $option_none_value Value to use when no category is selected. Default empty. @type string $orderby Which column to use for ordering categories. See get_terms() for a list of accepted values. Default 'id' (term_id). @type bool $pad_counts See get_terms() for an argument description. Default false. @type bool|int $show_count Whether to include post counts. Accepts 0, 1, or their bool equivalents. Default 0. @type bool|int $echo Whether to echo or return the generated markup. Accepts 0, 1, or their bool equivalents. Default 1. @type bool|int $hierarchical Whether to traverse the taxonomy hierarchy. Accepts 0, 1, or their bool equivalents. Default 0. @type int $depth Maximum depth. Default 0. @type int $tab_index Tab index for the select element. Default 0 (no tabindex). @type string $name Value for the 'name' attribute of the select element. Default 'cat'. @type string $id Value for the 'id' attribute of the select element. Defaults to the value of `$name`. @type string $class Value for the 'class' attribute of the select element. Default 'postform'. @type int|string $selected Value of the option that should be selected. Default 0. @type string $value_field Term field that should be used to populate the 'value' attribute of the option elements. Accepts any valid term field: 'term_id', 'name', 'slug', 'term_group', 'term_taxonomy_id', 'taxonomy', 'description', 'parent', 'count'. Default 'term_id'. @type string|array $taxonomy Name of the taxonomy or taxonomies to retrieve. Default 'category'. @type bool $hide_if_empty True to skip generating markup if no categories are found. Default false (create select element even if no categories are found). @type bool $required Whether the `<select>` element should have the HTML5 'required' attribute. Default false. @type Walker $walker Walker object to use to build the output. Default empty which results in a Walker_CategoryDropdown instance being used. @type string $aria_describedby The 'id' of an element that contains descriptive text for the select. Default empty string. }
    Default: (empty)
  • (string) HTML dropdown list of categories.

wp_dropdown_categories: 这个函数用来在WordPress网站上显示一个类别的下拉菜单: 这个函数可以用来让用户按类别过滤内容,并且可以自定义包括不同的显示选项和参数。


默认情况下,”hierarchical”参数是禁用的,它将覆盖深度参数,除非它是真的: 当该参数为假时,它将显示所有的类别: 当它被启用时,它将使用’深度’参数中的值。

function wp_dropdown_categories( $args = '' ) {
	$defaults = array(
		'show_option_all'   => '',
		'show_option_none'  => '',
		'orderby'           => 'id',
		'order'             => 'ASC',
		'show_count'        => 0,
		'hide_empty'        => 1,
		'child_of'          => 0,
		'exclude'           => '',
		'echo'              => 1,
		'selected'          => 0,
		'hierarchical'      => 0,
		'name'              => 'cat',
		'id'                => '',
		'class'             => 'postform',
		'depth'             => 0,
		'tab_index'         => 0,
		'taxonomy'          => 'category',
		'hide_if_empty'     => false,
		'option_none_value' => -1,
		'value_field'       => 'term_id',
		'required'          => false,
		'aria_describedby'  => '',

	$defaults['selected'] = ( is_category() ) ? get_query_var( 'cat' ) : 0;

	// Back compat.
	if ( isset( $args['type'] ) && 'link' === $args['type'] ) {
				/* translators: 1: "type => link", 2: "taxonomy => link_category" */
				__( '%1$s is deprecated. Use %2$s instead.' ),
				'<code>type => link</code>',
				'<code>taxonomy => link_category</code>'
		$args['taxonomy'] = 'link_category';

	// Parse incoming $args into an array and merge it with $defaults.
	$parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

	$option_none_value = $parsed_args['option_none_value'];

	if ( ! isset( $parsed_args['pad_counts'] ) && $parsed_args['show_count'] && $parsed_args['hierarchical'] ) {
		$parsed_args['pad_counts'] = true;

	$tab_index = $parsed_args['tab_index'];

	$tab_index_attribute = '';
	if ( (int) $tab_index > 0 ) {
		$tab_index_attribute = " tabindex="$tab_index"";

	// Avoid clashes with the 'name' param of get_terms().
	$get_terms_args = $parsed_args;
	unset( $get_terms_args['name'] );
	$categories = get_terms( $get_terms_args );

	$name     = esc_attr( $parsed_args['name'] );
	$class    = esc_attr( $parsed_args['class'] );
	$id       = $parsed_args['id'] ? esc_attr( $parsed_args['id'] ) : $name;
	$required = $parsed_args['required'] ? 'required' : '';

	$aria_describedby_attribute = $parsed_args['aria_describedby'] ? ' aria-describedby="' . esc_attr( $parsed_args['aria_describedby'] ) . '"' : '';

	if ( ! $parsed_args['hide_if_empty'] || ! empty( $categories ) ) {
		$output = "<select $required name='$name' id='$id' class='$class'$tab_index_attribute$aria_describedby_attribute>n";
	} else {
		$output = '';
	if ( empty( $categories ) && ! $parsed_args['hide_if_empty'] && ! empty( $parsed_args['show_option_none'] ) ) {

		 * Filters a taxonomy drop-down display element.
		 * A variety of taxonomy drop-down display elements can be modified
		 * just prior to display via this filter. Filterable arguments include
		 * 'show_option_none', 'show_option_all', and various forms of the
		 * term name.
		 * @since 1.2.0
		 * @see wp_dropdown_categories()
		 * @param string       $element  Category name.
		 * @param WP_Term|null $category The category object, or null if there's no corresponding category.
		$show_option_none = apply_filters( 'list_cats', $parsed_args['show_option_none'], null );
		$output          .= "t<option value='" . esc_attr( $option_none_value ) . "' selected='selected'>$show_option_none</option>n";

	if ( ! empty( $categories ) ) {

		if ( $parsed_args['show_option_all'] ) {

			/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/category-template.php */
			$show_option_all = apply_filters( 'list_cats', $parsed_args['show_option_all'], null );
			$selected        = ( '0' === (string) $parsed_args['selected'] ) ? " selected='selected'" : '';
			$output         .= "t<option value='0'$selected>$show_option_all</option>n";

		if ( $parsed_args['show_option_none'] ) {

			/** This filter is documented in wp-includes/category-template.php */
			$show_option_none = apply_filters( 'list_cats', $parsed_args['show_option_none'], null );
			$selected         = selected( $option_none_value, $parsed_args['selected'], false );
			$output          .= "t<option value='" . esc_attr( $option_none_value ) . "'$selected>$show_option_none</option>n";

		if ( $parsed_args['hierarchical'] ) {
			$depth = $parsed_args['depth'];  // Walk the full depth.
		} else {
			$depth = -1; // Flat.
		$output .= walk_category_dropdown_tree( $categories, $depth, $parsed_args );

	if ( ! $parsed_args['hide_if_empty'] || ! empty( $categories ) ) {
		$output .= "</select>n";

	 * Filters the taxonomy drop-down output.
	 * @since 2.1.0
	 * @param string $output      HTML output.
	 * @param array  $parsed_args Arguments used to build the drop-down.
	$output = apply_filters( 'wp_dropdown_cats', $output, $parsed_args );

	if ( $parsed_args['echo'] ) {
		echo $output;

	return $output;


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