
wp_print_admin_notice_templates ( No parameters )

wp_print_admin_notice_templates: 这个动作是用来打印WordPress中用于管理通知的模板的: 当管理员通知被加载时,它将在页面的页脚被触发。


function wp_print_admin_notice_templates() {
	<script id="tmpl-wp-updates-admin-notice" type="text/html">
		<div <# if ( data.id ) { #>id="{{ data.id }}"<# } #> class="notice {{ data.className }}"><p>{{{ data.message }}}</p></div>
	<script id="tmpl-wp-bulk-updates-admin-notice" type="text/html">
		<div id="{{ data.id }}" class="{{ data.className }} notice <# if ( data.errors ) { #>notice-error<# } else { #>notice-success<# } #>">
				<# if ( data.successes ) { #>
					<# if ( 1 === data.successes ) { #>
						<# if ( 'plugin' === data.type ) { #>
							/* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */
							printf( __( '%s plugin successfully updated.' ), '{{ data.successes }}' );
						<# } else { #>
							/* translators: %s: Number of themes. */
							printf( __( '%s theme successfully updated.' ), '{{ data.successes }}' );
						<# } #>
					<# } else { #>
						<# if ( 'plugin' === data.type ) { #>
							/* translators: %s: Number of plugins. */
							printf( __( '%s plugins successfully updated.' ), '{{ data.successes }}' );
						<# } else { #>
							/* translators: %s: Number of themes. */
							printf( __( '%s themes successfully updated.' ), '{{ data.successes }}' );
						<# } #>
					<# } #>
				<# } #>
				<# if ( data.errors ) { #>
					<button class="button-link bulk-action-errors-collapsed" aria-expanded="false">
						<# if ( 1 === data.errors ) { #>
							/* translators: %s: Number of failed updates. */
							printf( __( '%s update failed.' ), '{{ data.errors }}' );
						<# } else { #>
							/* translators: %s: Number of failed updates. */
							printf( __( '%s updates failed.' ), '{{ data.errors }}' );
						<# } #>
						<span class="screen-reader-text"><?php _e( 'Show more details' ); ?></span>
						<span class="toggle-indicator" aria-hidden="true"></span>
				<# } #>
			<# if ( data.errors ) { #>
				<ul class="bulk-action-errors hidden">
					<# _.each( data.errorMessages, function( errorMessage ) { #>
						<li>{{ errorMessage }}</li>
					<# } ); #>
			<# } #>


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