wp_privacy_send_personal_data_export_email ( $request_id )
wp_privacy_send_personal_data_export_email: 这个函数向用户发送一封电子邮件,其中有下载其个人数据导出文件的链接。它用于通知用户他们的个人数据导出文件已经准备好供下载。
function wp_privacy_send_personal_data_export_email( $request_id ) { // Get the request. $request = wp_get_user_request( $request_id ); if ( ! $request || 'export_personal_data' !== $request->action_name ) { return new WP_Error( 'invalid_request', __( 'Invalid request ID when sending personal data export email.' ) ); } // Localize message content for user; fallback to site default for visitors. if ( ! empty( $request->user_id ) ) { $locale = get_user_locale( $request->user_id ); } else { $locale = get_locale(); } $switched_locale = switch_to_locale( $locale ); /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/functions.php */ $expiration = apply_filters( 'wp_privacy_export_expiration', 3 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ); $expiration_date = date_i18n( get_option( 'date_format' ), time() + $expiration ); $exports_url = wp_privacy_exports_url(); $export_file_name = get_post_meta( $request_id, '_export_file_name', true ); $export_file_url = $exports_url . $export_file_name; $site_name = wp_specialchars_decode( get_option( 'blogname' ), ENT_QUOTES ); $site_url = home_url(); /** * Filters the recipient of the personal data export email notification. * Should be used with great caution to avoid sending the data export link to wrong emails. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param string $request_email The email address of the notification recipient. * @param WP_User_Request $request The request that is initiating the notification. */ $request_email = apply_filters( 'wp_privacy_personal_data_email_to', $request->email, $request ); $email_data = array( 'request' => $request, 'expiration' => $expiration, 'expiration_date' => $expiration_date, 'message_recipient' => $request_email, 'export_file_url' => $export_file_url, 'sitename' => $site_name, 'siteurl' => $site_url, ); /* translators: Personal data export notification email subject. %s: Site title. */ $subject = sprintf( __( '[%s] Personal Data Export' ), $site_name ); /** * Filters the subject of the email sent when an export request is completed. * * @since 5.3.0 * * @param string $subject The email subject. * @param string $sitename The name of the site. * @param array $email_data { * Data relating to the account action email. * * @type WP_User_Request $request User request object. * @type int $expiration The time in seconds until the export file expires. * @type string $expiration_date The localized date and time when the export file expires. * @type string $message_recipient The address that the email will be sent to. Defaults * to the value of `$request->email`, but can be changed * by the `wp_privacy_personal_data_email_to` filter. * @type string $export_file_url The export file URL. * @type string $sitename The site name sending the mail. * @type string $siteurl The site URL sending the mail. * } */ $subject = apply_filters( 'wp_privacy_personal_data_email_subject', $subject, $site_name, $email_data ); /* translators: Do not translate EXPIRATION, LINK, SITENAME, SITEURL: those are placeholders. */ $email_text = __( 'Howdy, Your request for an export of personal data has been completed. You may download your personal data by clicking on the link below. For privacy and security, we will automatically delete the file on ###EXPIRATION###, so please download it before then. ###LINK### Regards, All at ###SITENAME### ###SITEURL###' ); /** * Filters the text of the email sent with a personal data export file. * * The following strings have a special meaning and will get replaced dynamically: * ###EXPIRATION### The date when the URL will be automatically deleted. * ###LINK### URL of the personal data export file for the user. * ###SITENAME### The name of the site. * ###SITEURL### The URL to the site. * * @since 4.9.6 * @since 5.3.0 Introduced the `$email_data` array. * * @param string $email_text Text in the email. * @param int $request_id The request ID for this personal data export. * @param array $email_data { * Data relating to the account action email. * * @type WP_User_Request $request User request object. * @type int $expiration The time in seconds until the export file expires. * @type string $expiration_date The localized date and time when the export file expires. * @type string $message_recipient The address that the email will be sent to. Defaults * to the value of `$request->email`, but can be changed * by the `wp_privacy_personal_data_email_to` filter. * @type string $export_file_url The export file URL. * @type string $sitename The site name sending the mail. * @type string $siteurl The site URL sending the mail. */ $content = apply_filters( 'wp_privacy_personal_data_email_content', $email_text, $request_id, $email_data ); $content = str_replace( '###EXPIRATION###', $expiration_date, $content ); $content = str_replace( '###LINK###', sanitize_url( $export_file_url ), $content ); $content = str_replace( '###EMAIL###', $request_email, $content ); $content = str_replace( '###SITENAME###', $site_name, $content ); $content = str_replace( '###SITEURL###', sanitize_url( $site_url ), $content ); $headers = ''; /** * Filters the headers of the email sent with a personal data export file. * * @since 5.4.0 * * @param string|array $headers The email headers. * @param string $subject The email subject. * @param string $content The email content. * @param int $request_id The request ID. * @param array $email_data { * Data relating to the account action email. * * @type WP_User_Request $request User request object. * @type int $expiration The time in seconds until the export file expires. * @type string $expiration_date The localized date and time when the export file expires. * @type string $message_recipient The address that the email will be sent to. Defaults * to the value of `$request->email`, but can be changed * by the `wp_privacy_personal_data_email_to` filter. * @type string $export_file_url The export file URL. * @type string $sitename The site name sending the mail. * @type string $siteurl The site URL sending the mail. * } */ $headers = apply_filters( 'wp_privacy_personal_data_email_headers', $headers, $subject, $content, $request_id, $email_data ); $mail_success = wp_mail( $request_email, $subject, $content, $headers ); if ( $switched_locale ) { restore_previous_locale(); } if ( ! $mail_success ) { return new WP_Error( 'privacy_email_error', __( 'Unable to send personal data export email.' ) ); } return true; }
要使用` get_users
1. 使用` get_users
$users = get_users();
2. 您可以按需使用参数来过滤结果。例如,您可以通过角色、用户ID、用户登录名等过滤用户列表。以下是一个根据用户角色为过滤条件的示例:
$users = get_users( array( 'role' => 'subscriber' // 将角色名称替换为您要过滤的角色 ) );
在上述示例中,将` role
3. 您可以使用循环遍历获取的用户列表,并访问每个用户的属性。例如,以下示例将显示每个用户的用户名和电子邮件地址:
foreach( $users as $user ) { echo '用户名:' . $user->user_login . ', 电子邮件:' . $user->user_email . ; }
在上述示例中,通过` $user->user_login
`和` $user->user_email
请注意,` get_users
`函数默认返回所有用户,并可以根据需要使用更多参数进行过滤。您可以参阅WordPress官方文档中的` get_users
总结起来,使用` get_users
1. `WP_PLUGIN_DIR`:这是一个常量,用于定义插件的目录路径(文件系统路径)。您可以使用以下代码在插件文件中访问该常量:
$plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/your-plugin-folder/';
2. `WP_PLUGIN_URL`:这是一个常量,用于定义插件的URL(用于在网页上访问插件文件)。以下是一个使用该常量的示例:
$plugin_url = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/your-plugin-folder/';
请注意,`WP_PLUGIN_DIR`和`WP_PLUGIN_URL`常量在WordPress版本2.6之后引入。从WordPress 5.5版本开始,这两个常量被标记为过时(deprecated),因为WordPress更倾向于使用新的插件文件结构。如果您正在开发新插件,建议使用新的插件文件结构和相关函数。
- `plugin_dir_path()`:获取插件目录路径。
- `plugin_dir_url()`:获取插件URL。
$plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/your-plugin-folder/'; $plugin_url = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/your-plugin-folder/';
// 添加自定义功能示例 // 1. 创建自定义短代码 function custom_shortcode() { return '这是我的自定义短代码内容'; } add_shortcode('custom', 'custom_shortcode'); // 2. 自定义小工具 function custom_widget() { echo '这是我的自定义小工具内容'; } register_widget('custom_widget'); // 3. 自定义菜单 function custom_menu() { register_nav_menu('custom-menu', '自定义菜单'); } add_action('after_setup_theme', 'custom_menu'); // 4. 自定义页面模板 function custom_page_template() { /* Template Name: 自定义模板 */ // 自定义模板的内容和样式 }
使用 do_action
do_action( 'save_post', $post_ID, $post );
和 $post
使用 wp_get_current_user
$current_user = wp_get_current_user(); // 获取当前用户的ID $user_id = $current_user->ID; // 获取当前用户的用户名 $user_login = $current_user->user_login; // 获取当前用户的邮箱 $user_email = $current_user->user_email; // 获取当前用户的显示名称 $display_name = $current_user->display_name;