wp_unique_filename ( $dir, $filename, $unique_filename_callback = null )
wp_unique_filename: 这个函数用来为一个上传的文件生成一个唯一的文件名: 该函数接受两个参数:上传目录的路径和想要的文件名。它检查目录中是否已经存在一个具有所需文件名的文件,并为文件名添加一个后缀以使其独一无二。
– 目录、基本文件名和扩展名 – 并返回一个唯一的文件名。
function wp_unique_filename( $dir, $filename, $unique_filename_callback = null ) { // Sanitize the file name before we begin processing. $filename = sanitize_file_name( $filename ); $ext2 = null; // Initialize vars used in the wp_unique_filename filter. $number = ''; $alt_filenames = array(); // Separate the filename into a name and extension. $ext = pathinfo( $filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION ); $name = pathinfo( $filename, PATHINFO_BASENAME ); if ( $ext ) { $ext = '.' . $ext; } // Edge case: if file is named '.ext', treat as an empty name. if ( $name === $ext ) { $name = ''; } /* * Increment the file number until we have a unique file to save in $dir. * Use callback if supplied. */ if ( $unique_filename_callback && is_callable( $unique_filename_callback ) ) { $filename = call_user_func( $unique_filename_callback, $dir, $name, $ext ); } else { $fname = pathinfo( $filename, PATHINFO_FILENAME ); // Always append a number to file names that can potentially match image sub-size file names. if ( $fname && preg_match( '/-(?:d+xd+|scaled|rotated)$/', $fname ) ) { $number = 1; // At this point the file name may not be unique. This is tested below and the $number is incremented. $filename = str_replace( "{$fname}{$ext}", "{$fname}-{$number}{$ext}", $filename ); } /* * Get the mime type. Uploaded files were already checked with wp_check_filetype_and_ext() * in _wp_handle_upload(). Using wp_check_filetype() would be sufficient here. */ $file_type = wp_check_filetype( $filename ); $mime_type = $file_type['type']; $is_image = ( ! empty( $mime_type ) && 0 === strpos( $mime_type, 'image/' ) ); $upload_dir = wp_get_upload_dir(); $lc_filename = null; $lc_ext = strtolower( $ext ); $_dir = trailingslashit( $dir ); /* * If the extension is uppercase add an alternate file name with lowercase extension. * Both need to be tested for uniqueness as the extension will be changed to lowercase * for better compatibility with different filesystems. Fixes an inconsistency in WP < 2.9 * where uppercase extensions were allowed but image sub-sizes were created with * lowercase extensions. */ if ( $ext && $lc_ext !== $ext ) { $lc_filename = preg_replace( '|' . preg_quote( $ext ) . '$|', $lc_ext, $filename ); } /* * Increment the number added to the file name if there are any files in $dir * whose names match one of the possible name variations. */ while ( file_exists( $_dir . $filename ) || ( $lc_filename && file_exists( $_dir . $lc_filename ) ) ) { $new_number = (int) $number + 1; if ( $lc_filename ) { $lc_filename = str_replace( array( "-{$number}{$lc_ext}", "{$number}{$lc_ext}" ), "-{$new_number}{$lc_ext}", $lc_filename ); } if ( '' === "{$number}{$ext}" ) { $filename = "{$filename}-{$new_number}"; } else { $filename = str_replace( array( "-{$number}{$ext}", "{$number}{$ext}" ), "-{$new_number}{$ext}", $filename ); } $number = $new_number; } // Change the extension to lowercase if needed. if ( $lc_filename ) { $filename = $lc_filename; } /* * Prevent collisions with existing file names that contain dimension-like strings * (whether they are subsizes or originals uploaded prior to #42437). */ $files = array(); $count = 10000; // The (resized) image files would have name and extension, and will be in the uploads dir. if ( $name && $ext && @is_dir( $dir ) && false !== strpos( $dir, $upload_dir['basedir'] ) ) { /** * Filters the file list used for calculating a unique filename for a newly added file. * * Returning an array from the filter will effectively short-circuit retrieval * from the filesystem and return the passed value instead. * * @since 5.5.0 * * @param array|null $files The list of files to use for filename comparisons. * Default null (to retrieve the list from the filesystem). * @param string $dir The directory for the new file. * @param string $filename The proposed filename for the new file. */ $files = apply_filters( 'pre_wp_unique_filename_file_list', null, $dir, $filename ); if ( null === $files ) { // List of all files and directories contained in $dir. $files = @scandir( $dir ); } if ( ! empty( $files ) ) { // Remove "dot" dirs. $files = array_diff( $files, array( '.', '..' ) ); } if ( ! empty( $files ) ) { $count = count( $files ); /* * Ensure this never goes into infinite loop as it uses pathinfo() and regex in the check, * but string replacement for the changes. */ $i = 0; while ( $i <= $count && _wp_check_existing_file_names( $filename, $files ) ) { $new_number = (int) $number + 1; // If $ext is uppercase it was replaced with the lowercase version after the previous loop. $filename = str_replace( array( "-{$number}{$lc_ext}", "{$number}{$lc_ext}" ), "-{$new_number}{$lc_ext}", $filename ); $number = $new_number; $i++; } } } /* * Check if an image will be converted after uploading or some existing image sub-size file names may conflict * when regenerated. If yes, ensure the new file name will be unique and will produce unique sub-sizes. */ if ( $is_image ) { /** This filter is documented in wp-includes/class-wp-image-editor.php */ $output_formats = apply_filters( 'image_editor_output_format', array(), $_dir . $filename, $mime_type ); $alt_types = array(); if ( ! empty( $output_formats[ $mime_type ] ) ) { // The image will be converted to this format/mime type. $alt_mime_type = $output_formats[ $mime_type ]; // Other types of images whose names may conflict if their sub-sizes are regenerated. $alt_types = array_keys( array_intersect( $output_formats, array( $mime_type, $alt_mime_type ) ) ); $alt_types[] = $alt_mime_type; } elseif ( ! empty( $output_formats ) ) { $alt_types = array_keys( array_intersect( $output_formats, array( $mime_type ) ) ); } // Remove duplicates and the original mime type. It will be added later if needed. $alt_types = array_unique( array_diff( $alt_types, array( $mime_type ) ) ); foreach ( $alt_types as $alt_type ) { $alt_ext = wp_get_default_extension_for_mime_type( $alt_type ); if ( ! $alt_ext ) { continue; } $alt_ext = ".{$alt_ext}"; $alt_filename = preg_replace( '|' . preg_quote( $lc_ext ) . '$|', $alt_ext, $filename ); $alt_filenames[ $alt_ext ] = $alt_filename; } if ( ! empty( $alt_filenames ) ) { /* * Add the original filename. It needs to be checked again * together with the alternate filenames when $number is incremented. */ $alt_filenames[ $lc_ext ] = $filename; // Ensure no infinite loop. $i = 0; while ( $i <= $count && _wp_check_alternate_file_names( $alt_filenames, $_dir, $files ) ) { $new_number = (int) $number + 1; foreach ( $alt_filenames as $alt_ext => $alt_filename ) { $alt_filenames[ $alt_ext ] = str_replace( array( "-{$number}{$alt_ext}", "{$number}{$alt_ext}" ), "-{$new_number}{$alt_ext}", $alt_filename ); } /* * Also update the $number in (the output) $filename. * If the extension was uppercase it was already replaced with the lowercase version. */ $filename = str_replace( array( "-{$number}{$lc_ext}", "{$number}{$lc_ext}" ), "-{$new_number}{$lc_ext}", $filename ); $number = $new_number; $i++; } } } } /** * Filters the result when generating a unique file name. * * @since 4.5.0 * @since 5.8.1 The `$alt_filenames` and `$number` parameters were added. * * @param string $filename Unique file name. * @param string $ext File extension. Example: ".png". * @param string $dir Directory path. * @param callable|null $unique_filename_callback Callback function that generates the unique file name. * @param string[] $alt_filenames Array of alternate file names that were checked for collisions. * @param int|string $number The highest number that was used to make the file name unique * or an empty string if unused. */ return apply_filters( 'wp_unique_filename', $filename, $ext, $dir, $unique_filename_callback, $alt_filenames, $number ); }
要使用` get_users
1. 使用` get_users
$users = get_users();
2. 您可以按需使用参数来过滤结果。例如,您可以通过角色、用户ID、用户登录名等过滤用户列表。以下是一个根据用户角色为过滤条件的示例:
$users = get_users( array( 'role' => 'subscriber' // 将角色名称替换为您要过滤的角色 ) );
在上述示例中,将` role
3. 您可以使用循环遍历获取的用户列表,并访问每个用户的属性。例如,以下示例将显示每个用户的用户名和电子邮件地址:
foreach( $users as $user ) { echo '用户名:' . $user->user_login . ', 电子邮件:' . $user->user_email . ; }
在上述示例中,通过` $user->user_login
`和` $user->user_email
请注意,` get_users
`函数默认返回所有用户,并可以根据需要使用更多参数进行过滤。您可以参阅WordPress官方文档中的` get_users
总结起来,使用` get_users
1. `WP_PLUGIN_DIR`:这是一个常量,用于定义插件的目录路径(文件系统路径)。您可以使用以下代码在插件文件中访问该常量:
$plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/your-plugin-folder/';
2. `WP_PLUGIN_URL`:这是一个常量,用于定义插件的URL(用于在网页上访问插件文件)。以下是一个使用该常量的示例:
$plugin_url = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/your-plugin-folder/';
请注意,`WP_PLUGIN_DIR`和`WP_PLUGIN_URL`常量在WordPress版本2.6之后引入。从WordPress 5.5版本开始,这两个常量被标记为过时(deprecated),因为WordPress更倾向于使用新的插件文件结构。如果您正在开发新插件,建议使用新的插件文件结构和相关函数。
- `plugin_dir_path()`:获取插件目录路径。
- `plugin_dir_url()`:获取插件URL。
$plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/your-plugin-folder/'; $plugin_url = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/your-plugin-folder/';
// 添加自定义功能示例 // 1. 创建自定义短代码 function custom_shortcode() { return '这是我的自定义短代码内容'; } add_shortcode('custom', 'custom_shortcode'); // 2. 自定义小工具 function custom_widget() { echo '这是我的自定义小工具内容'; } register_widget('custom_widget'); // 3. 自定义菜单 function custom_menu() { register_nav_menu('custom-menu', '自定义菜单'); } add_action('after_setup_theme', 'custom_menu'); // 4. 自定义页面模板 function custom_page_template() { /* Template Name: 自定义模板 */ // 自定义模板的内容和样式 }
使用 do_action
do_action( 'save_post', $post_ID, $post );
和 $post
使用 wp_get_current_user
$current_user = wp_get_current_user(); // 获取当前用户的ID $user_id = $current_user->ID; // 获取当前用户的用户名 $user_login = $current_user->user_login; // 获取当前用户的邮箱 $user_email = $current_user->user_email; // 获取当前用户的显示名称 $display_name = $current_user->display_name;