request_filesystem_credentials ( $form_post, $type = '', $error = false, $context = '', $extra_fields = null, $allow_relaxed_file_ownership = false )
request_filesystem_credentials: 這個函式用來提示使用者他們的FTP或SSH證書,以便執行檔案操作。它通常在安裝或更新外掛和主題時使用。
外掛可以通過{@see ‘request_filesystem_credentials’}過濾器返回true|false來覆蓋這種形式。
function request_filesystem_credentials( $form_post, $type = '', $error = false, $context = '', $extra_fields = null, $allow_relaxed_file_ownership = false ) { global $pagenow; /** * Filters the filesystem credentials. * * Returning anything other than an empty string will effectively short-circuit * output of the filesystem credentials form, returning that value instead. * * A filter should return true if no filesystem credentials are required, false if they are required but have not been * provided, or an array of credentials if they are required and have been provided. * * @since 2.5.0 * @since 4.6.0 The `$context` parameter default changed from `false` to an empty string. * * @param mixed $credentials Credentials to return instead. Default empty string. * @param string $form_post The URL to post the form to. * @param string $type Chosen type of filesystem. * @param bool|WP_Error $error Whether the current request has failed to connect, * or an error object. * @param string $context Full path to the directory that is tested for * being writable. * @param array $extra_fields Extra POST fields. * @param bool $allow_relaxed_file_ownership Whether to allow Group/World writable. */ $req_cred = apply_filters( 'request_filesystem_credentials', '', $form_post, $type, $error, $context, $extra_fields, $allow_relaxed_file_ownership ); if ( '' !== $req_cred ) { return $req_cred; } if ( empty( $type ) ) { $type = get_filesystem_method( array(), $context, $allow_relaxed_file_ownership ); } if ( 'direct' === $type ) { return true; } if ( is_null( $extra_fields ) ) { $extra_fields = array( 'version', 'locale' ); } $credentials = get_option( 'ftp_credentials', array( 'hostname' => '', 'username' => '', ) ); $submitted_form = wp_unslash( $_POST ); // Verify nonce, or unset submitted form field values on failure. if ( ! isset( $_POST['_fs_nonce'] ) || ! wp_verify_nonce( $_POST['_fs_nonce'], 'filesystem-credentials' ) ) { unset( $submitted_form['hostname'], $submitted_form['username'], $submitted_form['password'], $submitted_form['public_key'], $submitted_form['private_key'], $submitted_form['connection_type'] ); } $ftp_constants = array( 'hostname' => 'FTP_HOST', 'username' => 'FTP_USER', 'password' => 'FTP_PASS', 'public_key' => 'FTP_PUBKEY', 'private_key' => 'FTP_PRIKEY', ); // If defined, set it to that. Else, if POST'd, set it to that. If not, set it to an empty string. // Otherwise, keep it as it previously was (saved details in option). foreach ( $ftp_constants as $key => $constant ) { if ( defined( $constant ) ) { $credentials[ $key ] = constant( $constant ); } elseif ( ! empty( $submitted_form[ $key ] ) ) { $credentials[ $key ] = $submitted_form[ $key ]; } elseif ( ! isset( $credentials[ $key ] ) ) { $credentials[ $key ] = ''; } } // Sanitize the hostname, some people might pass in odd data. $credentials['hostname'] = preg_replace( '|w+://|', '', $credentials['hostname'] ); // Strip any schemes off. if ( strpos( $credentials['hostname'], ':' ) ) { list( $credentials['hostname'], $credentials['port'] ) = explode( ':', $credentials['hostname'], 2 ); if ( ! is_numeric( $credentials['port'] ) ) { unset( $credentials['port'] ); } } else { unset( $credentials['port'] ); } if ( ( defined( 'FTP_SSH' ) && FTP_SSH ) || ( defined( 'FS_METHOD' ) && 'ssh2' === FS_METHOD ) ) { $credentials['connection_type'] = 'ssh'; } elseif ( ( defined( 'FTP_SSL' ) && FTP_SSL ) && 'ftpext' === $type ) { // Only the FTP Extension understands SSL. $credentials['connection_type'] = 'ftps'; } elseif ( ! empty( $submitted_form['connection_type'] ) ) { $credentials['connection_type'] = $submitted_form['connection_type']; } elseif ( ! isset( $credentials['connection_type'] ) ) { // All else fails (and it's not defaulted to something else saved), default to FTP. $credentials['connection_type'] = 'ftp'; } if ( ! $error && ( ! empty( $credentials['hostname'] ) && ! empty( $credentials['username'] ) && ! empty( $credentials['password'] ) || 'ssh' === $credentials['connection_type'] && ! empty( $credentials['public_key'] ) && ! empty( $credentials['private_key'] ) ) ) { $stored_credentials = $credentials; if ( ! empty( $stored_credentials['port'] ) ) { // Save port as part of hostname to simplify above code. $stored_credentials['hostname'] .= ':' . $stored_credentials['port']; } unset( $stored_credentials['password'], $stored_credentials['port'], $stored_credentials['private_key'], $stored_credentials['public_key'] ); if ( ! wp_installing() ) { update_option( 'ftp_credentials', $stored_credentials ); } return $credentials; } $hostname = isset( $credentials['hostname'] ) ? $credentials['hostname'] : ''; $username = isset( $credentials['username'] ) ? $credentials['username'] : ''; $public_key = isset( $credentials['public_key'] ) ? $credentials['public_key'] : ''; $private_key = isset( $credentials['private_key'] ) ? $credentials['private_key'] : ''; $port = isset( $credentials['port'] ) ? $credentials['port'] : ''; $connection_type = isset( $credentials['connection_type'] ) ? $credentials['connection_type'] : ''; if ( $error ) { $error_string = __( '<strong>Error:</strong> Could not connect to the server. Please verify the settings are correct.' ); if ( is_wp_error( $error ) ) { $error_string = esc_html( $error->get_error_message() ); } echo '<div id="message" class="error"><p>' . $error_string . '</p></div>'; } $types = array(); if ( extension_loaded( 'ftp' ) || extension_loaded( 'sockets' ) || function_exists( 'fsockopen' ) ) { $types['ftp'] = __( 'FTP' ); } if ( extension_loaded( 'ftp' ) ) { // Only this supports FTPS. $types['ftps'] = __( 'FTPS (SSL)' ); } if ( extension_loaded( 'ssh2' ) ) { $types['ssh'] = __( 'SSH2' ); } /** * Filters the connection types to output to the filesystem credentials form. * * @since 2.9.0 * @since 4.6.0 The `$context` parameter default changed from `false` to an empty string. * * @param string[] $types Types of connections. * @param array $credentials Credentials to connect with. * @param string $type Chosen filesystem method. * @param bool|WP_Error $error Whether the current request has failed to connect, * or an error object. * @param string $context Full path to the directory that is tested for being writable. */ $types = apply_filters( 'fs_ftp_connection_types', $types, $credentials, $type, $error, $context ); ?> <form action="<?php echo esc_url( $form_post ); ?>" method="post"> <div id="request-filesystem-credentials-form" class="request-filesystem-credentials-form"> <?php // Print a H1 heading in the FTP credentials modal dialog, default is a H2. $heading_tag = 'h2'; if ( 'plugins.php' === $pagenow || 'plugin-install.php' === $pagenow ) { $heading_tag = 'h1'; } echo "<$heading_tag id='request-filesystem-credentials-title'>" . __( 'Connection Information' ) . "</$heading_tag>"; ?> <p id="request-filesystem-credentials-desc"> <?php $label_user = __( 'Username' ); $label_pass = __( 'Password' ); _e( 'To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server.' ); echo ' '; if ( ( isset( $types['ftp'] ) || isset( $types['ftps'] ) ) ) { if ( isset( $types['ssh'] ) ) { _e( 'Please enter your FTP or SSH credentials to proceed.' ); $label_user = __( 'FTP/SSH Username' ); $label_pass = __( 'FTP/SSH Password' ); } else { _e( 'Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed.' ); $label_user = __( 'FTP Username' ); $label_pass = __( 'FTP Password' ); } echo ' '; } _e( 'If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.' ); $hostname_value = esc_attr( $hostname ); if ( ! empty( $port ) ) { $hostname_value .= ":$port"; } $password_value = ''; if ( defined( 'FTP_PASS' ) ) { $password_value = '*****'; } ?> </p> <label for="hostname"> <span class="field-title"><?php _e( 'Hostname' ); ?></span> <input name="hostname" type="text" id="hostname" aria-describedby="request-filesystem-credentials-desc" class="code" placeholder="<?php esc_attr_e( 'example: www.wordpress.org' ); ?>" value="<?php echo $hostname_value; ?>"<?php disabled( defined( 'FTP_HOST' ) ); ?> /> </label> <div class="ftp-username"> <label for="username"> <span class="field-title"><?php echo $label_user; ?></span> <input name="username" type="text" id="username" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $username ); ?>"<?php disabled( defined( 'FTP_USER' ) ); ?> /> </label> </div> <div class="ftp-password"> <label for="password"> <span class="field-title"><?php echo $label_pass; ?></span> <input name="password" type="password" id="password" value="<?php echo $password_value; ?>"<?php disabled( defined( 'FTP_PASS' ) ); ?> /> <?php if ( ! defined( 'FTP_PASS' ) ) { _e( 'This password will not be stored on the server.' );} ?> </label> </div> <fieldset> <legend><?php _e( 'Connection Type' ); ?></legend> <?php $disabled = disabled( ( defined( 'FTP_SSL' ) && FTP_SSL ) || ( defined( 'FTP_SSH' ) && FTP_SSH ), true, false ); foreach ( $types as $name => $text ) : ?> <label for="<?php echo esc_attr( $name ); ?>"> <input type="radio" name="connection_type" id="<?php echo esc_attr( $name ); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $name ); ?>" <?php checked( $name, $connection_type ); ?> <?php echo $disabled; ?> /> <?php echo $text; ?> </label> <?php endforeach; ?> </fieldset> <?php if ( isset( $types['ssh'] ) ) { $hidden_class = ''; if ( 'ssh' !== $connection_type || empty( $connection_type ) ) { $hidden_class = ' class="hidden"'; } ?> <fieldset id="ssh-keys"<?php echo $hidden_class; ?>> <legend><?php _e( 'Authentication Keys' ); ?></legend> <label for="public_key"> <span class="field-title"><?php _e( 'Public Key:' ); ?></span> <input name="public_key" type="text" id="public_key" aria-describedby="auth-keys-desc" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $public_key ); ?>"<?php disabled( defined( 'FTP_PUBKEY' ) ); ?> /> </label> <label for="private_key"> <span class="field-title"><?php _e( 'Private Key:' ); ?></span> <input name="private_key" type="text" id="private_key" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $private_key ); ?>"<?php disabled( defined( 'FTP_PRIKEY' ) ); ?> /> </label> <p id="auth-keys-desc"><?php _e( 'Enter the location on the server where the public and private keys are located. If a passphrase is needed, enter that in the password field above.' ); ?></p> </fieldset> <?php } foreach ( (array) $extra_fields as $field ) { if ( isset( $submitted_form[ $field ] ) ) { echo '<input type="hidden" name="' . esc_attr( $field ) . '" value="' . esc_attr( $submitted_form[ $field ] ) . '" />'; } } // Make sure the `submit_button()` function is available during the REST API call // from WP_Site_Health_Auto_Updates::test_check_wp_filesystem_method(). if ( ! function_exists( 'submit_button' ) ) { require_once ABSPATH . '/wp-admin/includes/template.php'; } ?> <p class="request-filesystem-credentials-action-buttons"> <?php wp_nonce_field( 'filesystem-credentials', '_fs_nonce', false, true ); ?> <button class="button cancel-button" data-js-action="close" type="button"><?php _e( 'Cancel' ); ?></button> <?php submit_button( __( 'Proceed' ), '', 'upgrade', false ); ?> </p> </div> </form> <?php return false; }
要使用` get_users
1. 使用` get_users
$users = get_users();
2. 您可以按需使用引數來過濾結果。例如,您可以通過角色、使用者ID、使用者登入名等過濾使用者列表。以下是一個根據使用者角色為過濾條件的示例:
$users = get_users( array( 'role' => 'subscriber' // 將角色名稱替換為您要過濾的角色 ) );
在上述示例中,將` role
3. 您可以使用迴圈遍歷獲取的使用者列表,並訪問每個使用者的屬性。例如,以下示例將顯示每個使用者的使用者名稱和電子郵件地址:
foreach( $users as $user ) { echo '使用者名稱:' . $user->user_login . ', 電子郵件:' . $user->user_email . ; }
在上述示例中,通過` $user->user_login
`和` $user->user_email
請注意,` get_users
`函式預設返回所有使用者,並可以根據需要使用更多引數進行過濾。您可以參閱WordPress官方文件中的` get_users
總結起來,使用` get_users
1. `WP_PLUGIN_DIR`:這是一個常量,用於定義外掛的目錄路徑(檔案系統路徑)。您可以使用以下程式碼在外掛檔案中訪問該常量:
$plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/your-plugin-folder/';
2. `WP_PLUGIN_URL`:這是一個常量,用於定義外掛的URL(用於在網頁上訪問外掛檔案)。以下是一個使用該常量的示例:
$plugin_url = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/your-plugin-folder/';
請注意,`WP_PLUGIN_DIR`和`WP_PLUGIN_URL`常量在WordPress版本2.6之後引入。從WordPress 5.5版本開始,這兩個常量被標記為過時(deprecated),因為WordPress更傾向於使用新的外掛檔案結構。如果您正在開發新外掛,建議使用新的外掛檔案結構和相關函式。
- `plugin_dir_path()`:獲取外掛目錄路徑。
- `plugin_dir_url()`:獲取外掛URL。
$plugin_dir = WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/your-plugin-folder/'; $plugin_url = WP_PLUGIN_URL . '/your-plugin-folder/';
// 新增自定義功能示例 // 1. 建立自定義短程式碼 function custom_shortcode() { return '這是我的自定義短程式碼內容'; } add_shortcode('custom', 'custom_shortcode'); // 2. 自定義小工具 function custom_widget() { echo '這是我的自定義小工具內容'; } register_widget('custom_widget'); // 3. 自定義選單 function custom_menu() { register_nav_menu('custom-menu', '自定義選單'); } add_action('after_setup_theme', 'custom_menu'); // 4. 自定義頁面模板 function custom_page_template() { /* Template Name: 自定義模板 */ // 自定義模板的內容和樣式 }
使用 do_action
do_action( 'save_post', $post_ID, $post );
和 $post
使用 wp_get_current_user
$current_user = wp_get_current_user(); // 獲取當前使用者的ID $user_id = $current_user->ID; // 獲取當前使用者的使用者名稱 $user_login = $current_user->user_login; // 獲取當前使用者的郵箱 $user_email = $current_user->user_email; // 獲取當前使用者的顯示名稱 $display_name = $current_user->display_name;