
wp_delete_term ( $term, $taxonomy, $args = array() )
  • (int) $term Term ID.
  • (string) $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
  • (array|string) $args { Optional. Array of arguments to override the default term ID. Default empty array. @type int $default The term ID to make the default term. This will only override the terms found if there is only one term found. Any other and the found terms are used. @type bool $force_default Optional. Whether to force the supplied term as default to be assigned even if the object was not going to be term-less. Default false. }
    Default: array()
  • (bool|int|WP_Error) True on success, false if term does not exist. Zero on attempted deletion of default Category. WP_Error if the taxonomy does not exist.

wp_delete_term: 這個函式用來從WordPress的分類法中刪除一個術語。它可以用來從網站上刪除一個類別、標籤或自定義分類法術語,以及任何相關的文章或其他內容。




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function wp_delete_term( $term, $taxonomy, $args = array() ) {
global $wpdb;
$term = (int) $term;
$ids = term_exists( $term, $taxonomy );
if ( ! $ids ) {
return false;
if ( is_wp_error( $ids ) ) {
return $ids;
$tt_id = $ids['term_taxonomy_id'];
$defaults = array();
if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) {
$defaults['default'] = (int) get_option( 'default_category' );
if ( $defaults['default'] === $term ) {
return 0; // Don't delete the default category.
// Don't delete the default custom taxonomy term.
$taxonomy_object = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );
if ( ! empty( $taxonomy_object->default_term ) ) {
$defaults['default'] = (int) get_option( 'default_term_' . $taxonomy );
if ( $defaults['default'] === $term ) {
return 0;
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
if ( isset( $args['default'] ) ) {
$default = (int) $args['default'];
if ( ! term_exists( $default, $taxonomy ) ) {
unset( $default );
if ( isset( $args['force_default'] ) ) {
$force_default = $args['force_default'];
* Fires when deleting a term, before any modifications are made to posts or terms.
* @since 4.1.0
* @param int $term Term ID.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
do_action( 'pre_delete_term', $term, $taxonomy );
// Update children to point to new parent.
if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) ) {
$term_obj = get_term( $term, $taxonomy );
if ( is_wp_error( $term_obj ) ) {
return $term_obj;
$parent = $term_obj->parent;
$edit_ids = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT term_id, term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE `parent` = " . (int) $term_obj->term_id );
$edit_tt_ids = wp_list_pluck( $edit_ids, 'term_taxonomy_id' );
* Fires immediately before a term to delete's children are reassigned a parent.
* @since 2.9.0
* @param array $edit_tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs for the given term.
do_action( 'edit_term_taxonomies', $edit_tt_ids );
$wpdb->update( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact( 'parent' ), array( 'parent' => $term_obj->term_id ) + compact( 'taxonomy' ) );
// Clean the cache for all child terms.
$edit_term_ids = wp_list_pluck( $edit_ids, 'term_id' );
clean_term_cache( $edit_term_ids, $taxonomy );
* Fires immediately after a term to delete's children are reassigned a parent.
* @since 2.9.0
* @param array $edit_tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs for the given term.
do_action( 'edited_term_taxonomies', $edit_tt_ids );
// Get the term before deleting it or its term relationships so we can pass to actions below.
$deleted_term = get_term( $term, $taxonomy );
$object_ids = (array) $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT object_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d", $tt_id ) );
foreach ( $object_ids as $object_id ) {
if ( ! isset( $default ) ) {
wp_remove_object_terms( $object_id, $term, $taxonomy );
$terms = wp_get_object_terms(
'fields' => 'ids',
'orderby' => 'none',
if ( 1 === count( $terms ) && isset( $default ) ) {
$terms = array( $default );
} else {
$terms = array_diff( $terms, array( $term ) );
if ( isset( $default ) && isset( $force_default ) && $force_default ) {
$terms = array_merge( $terms, array( $default ) );
$terms = array_map( 'intval', $terms );
wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $terms, $taxonomy );
// Clean the relationship caches for all object types using this term.
$tax_object = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );
foreach ( $tax_object->object_type as $object_type ) {
clean_object_term_cache( $object_ids, $object_type );
$term_meta_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT meta_id FROM $wpdb->termmeta WHERE term_id = %d ", $term ) );
foreach ( $term_meta_ids as $mid ) {
delete_metadata_by_mid( 'term', $mid );
* Fires immediately before a term taxonomy ID is deleted.
* @since 2.9.0
* @param int $tt_id Term taxonomy ID.
do_action( 'delete_term_taxonomy', $tt_id );
$wpdb->delete( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id ) );
* Fires immediately after a term taxonomy ID is deleted.
* @since 2.9.0
* @param int $tt_id Term taxonomy ID.
do_action( 'deleted_term_taxonomy', $tt_id );
// Delete the term if no taxonomies use it.
if ( ! $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE term_id = %d", $term ) ) ) {
$wpdb->delete( $wpdb->terms, array( 'term_id' => $term ) );
clean_term_cache( $term, $taxonomy );
* Fires after a term is deleted from the database and the cache is cleaned.
* The {@see 'delete_$taxonomy'} hook is also available for targeting a specific
* taxonomy.
* @since 2.5.0
* @since 4.5.0 Introduced the `$object_ids` argument.
* @param int $term Term ID.
* @param int $tt_id Term taxonomy ID.
* @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy slug.
* @param WP_Term $deleted_term Copy of the already-deleted term.
* @param array $object_ids List of term object IDs.
do_action( 'delete_term', $term, $tt_id, $taxonomy, $deleted_term, $object_ids );
* Fires after a term in a specific taxonomy is deleted.
* The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$taxonomy`, refers to the specific
* taxonomy the term belonged to.
* Possible hook names include:
* - `delete_category`
* - `delete_post_tag`
* @since 2.3.0
* @since 4.5.0 Introduced the `$object_ids` argument.
* @param int $term Term ID.
* @param int $tt_id Term taxonomy ID.
* @param WP_Term $deleted_term Copy of the already-deleted term.
* @param array $object_ids List of term object IDs.
do_action( "delete_{$taxonomy}", $term, $tt_id, $deleted_term, $object_ids );
return true;
function wp_delete_term( $term, $taxonomy, $args = array() ) { global $wpdb; $term = (int) $term; $ids = term_exists( $term, $taxonomy ); if ( ! $ids ) { return false; } if ( is_wp_error( $ids ) ) { return $ids; } $tt_id = $ids['term_taxonomy_id']; $defaults = array(); if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) { $defaults['default'] = (int) get_option( 'default_category' ); if ( $defaults['default'] === $term ) { return 0; // Don't delete the default category. } } // Don't delete the default custom taxonomy term. $taxonomy_object = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); if ( ! empty( $taxonomy_object->default_term ) ) { $defaults['default'] = (int) get_option( 'default_term_' . $taxonomy ); if ( $defaults['default'] === $term ) { return 0; } } $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); if ( isset( $args['default'] ) ) { $default = (int) $args['default']; if ( ! term_exists( $default, $taxonomy ) ) { unset( $default ); } } if ( isset( $args['force_default'] ) ) { $force_default = $args['force_default']; } /** * Fires when deleting a term, before any modifications are made to posts or terms. * * @since 4.1.0 * * @param int $term Term ID. * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name. */ do_action( 'pre_delete_term', $term, $taxonomy ); // Update children to point to new parent. if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) ) { $term_obj = get_term( $term, $taxonomy ); if ( is_wp_error( $term_obj ) ) { return $term_obj; } $parent = $term_obj->parent; $edit_ids = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT term_id, term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE `parent` = " . (int) $term_obj->term_id ); $edit_tt_ids = wp_list_pluck( $edit_ids, 'term_taxonomy_id' ); /** * Fires immediately before a term to delete's children are reassigned a parent. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param array $edit_tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs for the given term. */ do_action( 'edit_term_taxonomies', $edit_tt_ids ); $wpdb->update( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact( 'parent' ), array( 'parent' => $term_obj->term_id ) + compact( 'taxonomy' ) ); // Clean the cache for all child terms. $edit_term_ids = wp_list_pluck( $edit_ids, 'term_id' ); clean_term_cache( $edit_term_ids, $taxonomy ); /** * Fires immediately after a term to delete's children are reassigned a parent. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param array $edit_tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs for the given term. */ do_action( 'edited_term_taxonomies', $edit_tt_ids ); } // Get the term before deleting it or its term relationships so we can pass to actions below. $deleted_term = get_term( $term, $taxonomy ); $object_ids = (array) $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT object_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d", $tt_id ) ); foreach ( $object_ids as $object_id ) { if ( ! isset( $default ) ) { wp_remove_object_terms( $object_id, $term, $taxonomy ); continue; } $terms = wp_get_object_terms( $object_id, $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'ids', 'orderby' => 'none', ) ); if ( 1 === count( $terms ) && isset( $default ) ) { $terms = array( $default ); } else { $terms = array_diff( $terms, array( $term ) ); if ( isset( $default ) && isset( $force_default ) && $force_default ) { $terms = array_merge( $terms, array( $default ) ); } } $terms = array_map( 'intval', $terms ); wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $terms, $taxonomy ); } // Clean the relationship caches for all object types using this term. $tax_object = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy ); foreach ( $tax_object->object_type as $object_type ) { clean_object_term_cache( $object_ids, $object_type ); } $term_meta_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT meta_id FROM $wpdb->termmeta WHERE term_id = %d ", $term ) ); foreach ( $term_meta_ids as $mid ) { delete_metadata_by_mid( 'term', $mid ); } /** * Fires immediately before a term taxonomy ID is deleted. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param int $tt_id Term taxonomy ID. */ do_action( 'delete_term_taxonomy', $tt_id ); $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id ) ); /** * Fires immediately after a term taxonomy ID is deleted. * * @since 2.9.0 * * @param int $tt_id Term taxonomy ID. */ do_action( 'deleted_term_taxonomy', $tt_id ); // Delete the term if no taxonomies use it. if ( ! $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE term_id = %d", $term ) ) ) { $wpdb->delete( $wpdb->terms, array( 'term_id' => $term ) ); } clean_term_cache( $term, $taxonomy ); /** * Fires after a term is deleted from the database and the cache is cleaned. * * The {@see 'delete_$taxonomy'} hook is also available for targeting a specific * taxonomy. * * @since 2.5.0 * @since 4.5.0 Introduced the `$object_ids` argument. * * @param int $term Term ID. * @param int $tt_id Term taxonomy ID. * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy slug. * @param WP_Term $deleted_term Copy of the already-deleted term. * @param array $object_ids List of term object IDs. */ do_action( 'delete_term', $term, $tt_id, $taxonomy, $deleted_term, $object_ids ); /** * Fires after a term in a specific taxonomy is deleted. * * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$taxonomy`, refers to the specific * taxonomy the term belonged to. * * Possible hook names include: * * - `delete_category` * - `delete_post_tag` * * @since 2.3.0 * @since 4.5.0 Introduced the `$object_ids` argument. * * @param int $term Term ID. * @param int $tt_id Term taxonomy ID. * @param WP_Term $deleted_term Copy of the already-deleted term. * @param array $object_ids List of term object IDs. */ do_action( "delete_{$taxonomy}", $term, $tt_id, $deleted_term, $object_ids ); return true; }
function wp_delete_term( $term, $taxonomy, $args = array() ) {
	global $wpdb;

	$term = (int) $term;

	$ids = term_exists( $term, $taxonomy );
	if ( ! $ids ) {
		return false;
	if ( is_wp_error( $ids ) ) {
		return $ids;

	$tt_id = $ids['term_taxonomy_id'];

	$defaults = array();

	if ( 'category' === $taxonomy ) {
		$defaults['default'] = (int) get_option( 'default_category' );
		if ( $defaults['default'] === $term ) {
			return 0; // Don't delete the default category.

	// Don't delete the default custom taxonomy term.
	$taxonomy_object = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );
	if ( ! empty( $taxonomy_object->default_term ) ) {
		$defaults['default'] = (int) get_option( 'default_term_' . $taxonomy );
		if ( $defaults['default'] === $term ) {
			return 0;

	$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

	if ( isset( $args['default'] ) ) {
		$default = (int) $args['default'];
		if ( ! term_exists( $default, $taxonomy ) ) {
			unset( $default );

	if ( isset( $args['force_default'] ) ) {
		$force_default = $args['force_default'];

	 * Fires when deleting a term, before any modifications are made to posts or terms.
	 * @since 4.1.0
	 * @param int    $term     Term ID.
	 * @param string $taxonomy Taxonomy name.
	do_action( 'pre_delete_term', $term, $taxonomy );

	// Update children to point to new parent.
	if ( is_taxonomy_hierarchical( $taxonomy ) ) {
		$term_obj = get_term( $term, $taxonomy );
		if ( is_wp_error( $term_obj ) ) {
			return $term_obj;
		$parent = $term_obj->parent;

		$edit_ids    = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT term_id, term_taxonomy_id FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE `parent` = " . (int) $term_obj->term_id );
		$edit_tt_ids = wp_list_pluck( $edit_ids, 'term_taxonomy_id' );

		 * Fires immediately before a term to delete's children are reassigned a parent.
		 * @since 2.9.0
		 * @param array $edit_tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs for the given term.
		do_action( 'edit_term_taxonomies', $edit_tt_ids );

		$wpdb->update( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, compact( 'parent' ), array( 'parent' => $term_obj->term_id ) + compact( 'taxonomy' ) );

		// Clean the cache for all child terms.
		$edit_term_ids = wp_list_pluck( $edit_ids, 'term_id' );
		clean_term_cache( $edit_term_ids, $taxonomy );

		 * Fires immediately after a term to delete's children are reassigned a parent.
		 * @since 2.9.0
		 * @param array $edit_tt_ids An array of term taxonomy IDs for the given term.
		do_action( 'edited_term_taxonomies', $edit_tt_ids );

	// Get the term before deleting it or its term relationships so we can pass to actions below.
	$deleted_term = get_term( $term, $taxonomy );

	$object_ids = (array) $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT object_id FROM $wpdb->term_relationships WHERE term_taxonomy_id = %d", $tt_id ) );

	foreach ( $object_ids as $object_id ) {
		if ( ! isset( $default ) ) {
			wp_remove_object_terms( $object_id, $term, $taxonomy );

		$terms = wp_get_object_terms(
				'fields'  => 'ids',
				'orderby' => 'none',

		if ( 1 === count( $terms ) && isset( $default ) ) {
			$terms = array( $default );
		} else {
			$terms = array_diff( $terms, array( $term ) );
			if ( isset( $default ) && isset( $force_default ) && $force_default ) {
				$terms = array_merge( $terms, array( $default ) );

		$terms = array_map( 'intval', $terms );
		wp_set_object_terms( $object_id, $terms, $taxonomy );

	// Clean the relationship caches for all object types using this term.
	$tax_object = get_taxonomy( $taxonomy );
	foreach ( $tax_object->object_type as $object_type ) {
		clean_object_term_cache( $object_ids, $object_type );

	$term_meta_ids = $wpdb->get_col( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT meta_id FROM $wpdb->termmeta WHERE term_id = %d ", $term ) );
	foreach ( $term_meta_ids as $mid ) {
		delete_metadata_by_mid( 'term', $mid );

	 * Fires immediately before a term taxonomy ID is deleted.
	 * @since 2.9.0
	 * @param int $tt_id Term taxonomy ID.
	do_action( 'delete_term_taxonomy', $tt_id );

	$wpdb->delete( $wpdb->term_taxonomy, array( 'term_taxonomy_id' => $tt_id ) );

	 * Fires immediately after a term taxonomy ID is deleted.
	 * @since 2.9.0
	 * @param int $tt_id Term taxonomy ID.
	do_action( 'deleted_term_taxonomy', $tt_id );

	// Delete the term if no taxonomies use it.
	if ( ! $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $wpdb->term_taxonomy WHERE term_id = %d", $term ) ) ) {
		$wpdb->delete( $wpdb->terms, array( 'term_id' => $term ) );

	clean_term_cache( $term, $taxonomy );

	 * Fires after a term is deleted from the database and the cache is cleaned.
	 * The {@see 'delete_$taxonomy'} hook is also available for targeting a specific
	 * taxonomy.
	 * @since 2.5.0
	 * @since 4.5.0 Introduced the `$object_ids` argument.
	 * @param int     $term         Term ID.
	 * @param int     $tt_id        Term taxonomy ID.
	 * @param string  $taxonomy     Taxonomy slug.
	 * @param WP_Term $deleted_term Copy of the already-deleted term.
	 * @param array   $object_ids   List of term object IDs.
	do_action( 'delete_term', $term, $tt_id, $taxonomy, $deleted_term, $object_ids );

	 * Fires after a term in a specific taxonomy is deleted.
	 * The dynamic portion of the hook name, `$taxonomy`, refers to the specific
	 * taxonomy the term belonged to.
	 * Possible hook names include:
	 *  - `delete_category`
	 *  - `delete_post_tag`
	 * @since 2.3.0
	 * @since 4.5.0 Introduced the `$object_ids` argument.
	 * @param int     $term         Term ID.
	 * @param int     $tt_id        Term taxonomy ID.
	 * @param WP_Term $deleted_term Copy of the already-deleted term.
	 * @param array   $object_ids   List of term object IDs.
	do_action( "delete_{$taxonomy}", $term, $tt_id, $deleted_term, $object_ids );

	return true;


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