
wp_kses_attr ( $element, $attr, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols )
  • (string) $element HTML element/tag.
  • (string) $attr HTML attributes from HTML element to closing HTML element tag.
  • (array[]|string) $allowed_html An array of allowed HTML elements and attributes, or a context name such as 'post'. See wp_kses_allowed_html() for the list of accepted context names.
  • (string[]) $allowed_protocols Array of allowed URL protocols.
  • (string) Sanitized HTML element.

wp_kses_attr: 這個函式用於通過刪除任何潛在的惡意或不允許的內容來對單個HTML屬性進行淨化。





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function wp_kses_attr( $element, $attr, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols ) {
if ( ! is_array( $allowed_html ) ) {
$allowed_html = wp_kses_allowed_html( $allowed_html );
// Is there a closing XHTML slash at the end of the attributes?
$xhtml_slash = '';
if ( preg_match( '%s*/s*$%', $attr ) ) {
$xhtml_slash = ' /';
// Are any attributes allowed at all for this element?
$element_low = strtolower( $element );
if ( empty( $allowed_html[ $element_low ] ) || true === $allowed_html[ $element_low ] ) {
return "<$element$xhtml_slash>";
// Split it.
$attrarr = wp_kses_hair( $attr, $allowed_protocols );
// Check if there are attributes that are required.
$required_attrs = array_filter(
$allowed_html[ $element_low ],
function( $required_attr_limits ) {
return isset( $required_attr_limits['required'] ) && true === $required_attr_limits['required'];
* If a required attribute check fails, we can return nothing for a self-closing tag,
* but for a non-self-closing tag the best option is to return the element with attributes,
* as KSES doesn't handle matching the relevant closing tag.
$stripped_tag = '';
if ( empty( $xhtml_slash ) ) {
$stripped_tag = "<$element>";
// Go through $attrarr, and save the allowed attributes for this element in $attr2.
$attr2 = '';
foreach ( $attrarr as $arreach ) {
// Check if this attribute is required.
$required = isset( $required_attrs[ strtolower( $arreach['name'] ) ] );
if ( wp_kses_attr_check( $arreach['name'], $arreach['value'], $arreach['whole'], $arreach['vless'], $element, $allowed_html ) ) {
$attr2 .= ' ' . $arreach['whole'];
// If this was a required attribute, we can mark it as found.
if ( $required ) {
unset( $required_attrs[ strtolower( $arreach['name'] ) ] );
} elseif ( $required ) {
// This attribute was required, but didn't pass the check. The entire tag is not allowed.
return $stripped_tag;
// If some required attributes weren't set, the entire tag is not allowed.
if ( ! empty( $required_attrs ) ) {
return $stripped_tag;
// Remove any "<" or ">" characters.
$attr2 = preg_replace( '/[<>]/', '', $attr2 );
return "<$element$attr2$xhtml_slash>";
function wp_kses_attr( $element, $attr, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols ) { if ( ! is_array( $allowed_html ) ) { $allowed_html = wp_kses_allowed_html( $allowed_html ); } // Is there a closing XHTML slash at the end of the attributes? $xhtml_slash = ''; if ( preg_match( '%s*/s*$%', $attr ) ) { $xhtml_slash = ' /'; } // Are any attributes allowed at all for this element? $element_low = strtolower( $element ); if ( empty( $allowed_html[ $element_low ] ) || true === $allowed_html[ $element_low ] ) { return "<$element$xhtml_slash>"; } // Split it. $attrarr = wp_kses_hair( $attr, $allowed_protocols ); // Check if there are attributes that are required. $required_attrs = array_filter( $allowed_html[ $element_low ], function( $required_attr_limits ) { return isset( $required_attr_limits['required'] ) && true === $required_attr_limits['required']; } ); /* * If a required attribute check fails, we can return nothing for a self-closing tag, * but for a non-self-closing tag the best option is to return the element with attributes, * as KSES doesn't handle matching the relevant closing tag. */ $stripped_tag = ''; if ( empty( $xhtml_slash ) ) { $stripped_tag = "<$element>"; } // Go through $attrarr, and save the allowed attributes for this element in $attr2. $attr2 = ''; foreach ( $attrarr as $arreach ) { // Check if this attribute is required. $required = isset( $required_attrs[ strtolower( $arreach['name'] ) ] ); if ( wp_kses_attr_check( $arreach['name'], $arreach['value'], $arreach['whole'], $arreach['vless'], $element, $allowed_html ) ) { $attr2 .= ' ' . $arreach['whole']; // If this was a required attribute, we can mark it as found. if ( $required ) { unset( $required_attrs[ strtolower( $arreach['name'] ) ] ); } } elseif ( $required ) { // This attribute was required, but didn't pass the check. The entire tag is not allowed. return $stripped_tag; } } // If some required attributes weren't set, the entire tag is not allowed. if ( ! empty( $required_attrs ) ) { return $stripped_tag; } // Remove any "<" or ">" characters. $attr2 = preg_replace( '/[<>]/', '', $attr2 ); return "<$element$attr2$xhtml_slash>"; }
function wp_kses_attr( $element, $attr, $allowed_html, $allowed_protocols ) {
	if ( ! is_array( $allowed_html ) ) {
		$allowed_html = wp_kses_allowed_html( $allowed_html );

	// Is there a closing XHTML slash at the end of the attributes?
	$xhtml_slash = '';
	if ( preg_match( '%s*/s*$%', $attr ) ) {
		$xhtml_slash = ' /';

	// Are any attributes allowed at all for this element?
	$element_low = strtolower( $element );
	if ( empty( $allowed_html[ $element_low ] ) || true === $allowed_html[ $element_low ] ) {
		return "<$element$xhtml_slash>";

	// Split it.
	$attrarr = wp_kses_hair( $attr, $allowed_protocols );

	// Check if there are attributes that are required.
	$required_attrs = array_filter(
		$allowed_html[ $element_low ],
		function( $required_attr_limits ) {
			return isset( $required_attr_limits['required'] ) && true === $required_attr_limits['required'];

	 * If a required attribute check fails, we can return nothing for a self-closing tag,
	 * but for a non-self-closing tag the best option is to return the element with attributes,
	 * as KSES doesn't handle matching the relevant closing tag.
	$stripped_tag = '';
	if ( empty( $xhtml_slash ) ) {
		$stripped_tag = "<$element>";

	// Go through $attrarr, and save the allowed attributes for this element in $attr2.
	$attr2 = '';
	foreach ( $attrarr as $arreach ) {
		// Check if this attribute is required.
		$required = isset( $required_attrs[ strtolower( $arreach['name'] ) ] );

		if ( wp_kses_attr_check( $arreach['name'], $arreach['value'], $arreach['whole'], $arreach['vless'], $element, $allowed_html ) ) {
			$attr2 .= ' ' . $arreach['whole'];

			// If this was a required attribute, we can mark it as found.
			if ( $required ) {
				unset( $required_attrs[ strtolower( $arreach['name'] ) ] );
		} elseif ( $required ) {
			// This attribute was required, but didn't pass the check. The entire tag is not allowed.
			return $stripped_tag;

	// If some required attributes weren't set, the entire tag is not allowed.
	if ( ! empty( $required_attrs ) ) {
		return $stripped_tag;

	// Remove any "<" or ">" characters.
	$attr2 = preg_replace( '/[<>]/', '', $attr2 );

	return "<$element$attr2$xhtml_slash>";


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