随着越来越多的开发者选择使用这些解决方案,并认识到它们在解决问题方面的效率,它们被接受为解决问题的标准方式,并被命名为 “设计模式”。
创造性设计模式的一些例子包括Singleton、Factory、Abstract Factory和Builder,等等。
- 模式名称:这是在与其他用户交流时用来识别设计模式的。例子包括 “singleton”、”prototype “等等。
- 问题:这描述了设计模式的目的。它是对设计模式所要解决的问题的一个小描述。它甚至可以包括一个例子场景,以更好地解释这个问题。它还可以包含一个设计模式要完全解决基本问题所需满足的条件列表。
- 解决方案:这是对当前问题的解决方案,由类、方法、接口等元素组成。这是一个设计模式的主要部分–它包含了各种元素的关系、责任和合作者,这些元素都是明确定义的。
- 结果:这是对该模式能够解决的问题的分析。诸如空间和时间的使用,以及解决同一问题的其他方法都会被讨论。
- 它们是经过测试的:有了设计模式,你就有了一个经过测试的解决方案来解决你的问题(只要设计模式符合你问题的描述)。你不必浪费时间去寻找其他的解决方法,你可以放心,你有一个解决方案,为你解决基本的性能优化问题。
- 它们很容易理解:设计模式就是要小而简单,易于理解。你不需要成为一个在特定行业工作了几十年的专业程序员来理解使用哪种设计模式。它们是有目的的通用的(不限于任何特定的编程语言),任何有足够问题解决能力的人都可以理解。当你的技术团队换人时,这也有帮助。一段依靠设计模式的代码对任何新的软件开发人员来说都更容易理解。
- 它们实施起来很简单:大多数设计模式都非常简单,正如你将在我们的文章中看到的那样。你不需要知道多种编程概念就可以在你的代码中实现它们。
- 它们提出的代码架构很容易被重用:整个科技行业都非常鼓励代码的可重用性和简约性,而设计模式可以帮助你实现这一点。由于这些模式是解决问题的标准方式,它们的设计者已经注意到确保所包含的应用程序架构保持可重用性、灵活性,并与大多数编写代码的形式兼容。
- 它们可以节省时间和应用程序的大小:依靠一套标准的解决方案的最大好处之一是,它们将帮助你在实施时节省时间。很有可能你的整个开发团队都很了解设计模式,所以他们在实施这些模式时,会更容易计划、沟通和协作。经过尝试和测试的解决方案意味着你很有可能在构建某些功能时不会出现资源泄露或走弯路的情况,从而为你节省时间和空间。另外,大多数编程语言为你提供了标准的模板库,已经实现了一些常见的设计模式,如Iterator和Observer。
1. Singleton
function SingletonFoo() { let fooInstance = null; // For our reference, let's create a counter that will track the number of active instances let count = 0; function printCount() { console.log("Number of instances: " + count); } function init() { // For our reference, we'll increase the count by one whenever init() is called count++; // Do the initialization of the resource-intensive object here and return it return {} } function createInstance() { if (fooInstance == null) { fooInstance = init(); } return fooInstance; } function closeInstance() { count--; fooInstance = null; } return { initialize: createInstance, close: closeInstance, printCount: printCount } } let foo = SingletonFoo(); foo.printCount() // Prints 0 foo.initialize() foo.printCount() // Prints 1 foo.initialize() foo.printCount() // Still prints 1 foo.initialize() foo.printCount() // Still 1 foo.close() foo.printCount() // Prints 0
2. Factory
function Factory() { this.createDog = function (breed) { let dog; if (breed === "labrador") { dog = new Labrador(); } else if (breed === "bulldog") { dog = new Bulldog(); } else if (breed === "golden retriever") { dog = new GoldenRetriever(); } else if (breed === "german shepherd") { dog = new GermanShepherd(); } dog.breed = breed; dog.printInfo = function () { console.log("\n\nBreed: " + dog.breed + "\nShedding Level (out of 5): " + dog.sheddingLevel + "\nCoat Length: " + dog.coatLength + "\nCoat Type: " + dog.coatType) } return dog; } } function Labrador() { this.sheddingLevel = 4 this.coatLength = "short" this.coatType = "double" } function Bulldog() { this.sheddingLevel = 3 this.coatLength = "short" this.coatType = "smooth" } function GoldenRetriever() { this.sheddingLevel = 4 this.coatLength = "medium" this.coatType = "double" } function GermanShepherd() { this.sheddingLevel = 4 this.coatLength = "medium" this.coatType = "double" } function run() { let dogs = []; let factory = new Factory(); dogs.push(factory.createDog("labrador")); dogs.push(factory.createDog("bulldog")); dogs.push(factory.createDog("golden retriever")); dogs.push(factory.createDog("german shepherd")); for (var i = 0, len = dogs.length; i < len; i++) { dogs[i].printInfo(); } } run() /** Output: Breed: labrador Shedding Level (out of 5): 4 Coat Length: short Coat Type: double Breed: bulldog Shedding Level (out of 5): 3 Coat Length: short Coat Type: smooth Breed: golden retriever Shedding Level (out of 5): 4 Coat Length: medium Coat Type: double Breed: german shepherd Shedding Level (out of 5): 4 Coat Length: medium Coat Type: double */
3. Abstract Factory
Abstract Factory方法将工厂方法提升了一个层次,它使Factory变得抽象,因此可以在调用环境不知道具体使用的Factory或其内部工作原理的情况下进行替换。调用环境只知道所有的Factory都有一组共同的方法,它可以调用这些方法来执行实例化动作。
// A factory to create dogs function DogFactory() { // Notice that the create function is now createPet instead of createDog, since we need // it to be uniform across the other factories that will be used with this this.createPet = function (breed) { let dog; if (breed === "labrador") { dog = new Labrador(); } else if (breed === "pug") { dog = new Pug(); } dog.breed = breed; dog.printInfo = function () { console.log("\n\nType: " + dog.type + "\nBreed: " + dog.breed + "\nSize: " + dog.size) } return dog; } } // A factory to create cats function CatFactory() { this.createPet = function (breed) { let cat; if (breed === "ragdoll") { cat = new Ragdoll(); } else if (breed === "singapura") { cat = new Singapura(); } cat.breed = breed; cat.printInfo = function () { console.log("\n\nType: " + cat.type + "\nBreed: " + cat.breed + "\nSize: " + cat.size) } return cat; } } // Dog and cat breed definitions function Labrador() { this.type = "dog" this.size = "large" } function Pug() { this.type = "dog" this.size = "small" } function Ragdoll() { this.type = "cat" this.size = "large" } function Singapura() { this.type = "cat" this.size = "small" } function run() { let pets = []; // Initialize the two factories let catFactory = new CatFactory(); let dogFactory = new DogFactory(); // Create a common petFactory that can produce both cats and dogs // Set it to produce dogs first let petFactory = dogFactory; pets.push(petFactory.createPet("labrador")); pets.push(petFactory.createPet("pug")); // Set the petFactory to produce cats petFactory = catFactory; pets.push(petFactory.createPet("ragdoll")); pets.push(petFactory.createPet("singapura")); for (var i = 0, len = pets.length; i < len; i++) { pets[i].printInfo(); } } run() /** Output: Type: dog Breed: labrador Size: large Type: dog Breed: pug Size: small Type: cat Breed: ragdoll Size: large Type: cat Breed: singapura Size: small */
Abstract Factory模式使你很容易交换具体的Factory,它有助于促进Factory和创建的产品之间的统一性。然而,引入新种类的产品会变得很困难,因为你必须对多个类进行修改以适应新方法/属性。
4. Builder
// Here's the PizzaBuilder (you can also call it the chef) function PizzaBuilder() { let base let sauce let cheese let toppings = [] // The definition of pizza is hidden from the customers function Pizza(base, sauce, cheese, toppings) { this.base = base this.sauce = sauce this.cheese = cheese this.toppings = toppings this.printInfo = function() { console.log("This pizza has " + this.base + " base with " + this.sauce + " sauce " + (this.cheese !== undefined ? "with cheese. " : "without cheese. ") + (this.toppings.length !== 0 ? "It has the following toppings: " + toppings.toString() : "")) } } // You can request the PizzaBuilder (/chef) to perform any of the following actions on your pizza return { addFlatbreadBase: function() { base = "flatbread" return this; }, addTomatoSauce: function() { sauce = "tomato" return this; }, addAlfredoSauce: function() { sauce = "alfredo" return this; }, addCheese: function() { cheese = "parmesan" return this; }, addOlives: function() { toppings.push("olives") return this }, addJalapeno: function() { toppings.push("jalapeno") return this }, cook: function() { if (base === null){ console.log("Can't make a pizza without a base") return } return new Pizza(base, sauce, cheese, toppings) } } } // This is the Director for the PizzaBuilder, aka the PizzaShop. // It contains a list of preset steps that can be used to prepare common pizzas (aka recipes!) function PizzaShop() { return { makePizzaMargherita: function() { pizzaBuilder = new PizzaBuilder() pizzaMargherita = pizzaBuilder.addFlatbreadBase().addTomatoSauce().addCheese().addOlives().cook() return pizzaMargherita }, makePizzaAlfredo: function() { pizzaBuilder = new PizzaBuilder() pizzaAlfredo = pizzaBuilder.addFlatbreadBase().addAlfredoSauce().addCheese().addJalapeno().cook() return pizzaAlfredo }, makePizzaMarinara: function() { pizzaBuilder = new PizzaBuilder() pizzaMarinara = pizzaBuilder.addFlatbreadBase().addTomatoSauce().addOlives().cook() return pizzaMarinara } } } // Here's where the customer can request pizzas from function run() { let pizzaShop = new PizzaShop() // You can ask for one of the popular pizza recipes... let pizzaMargherita = pizzaShop.makePizzaMargherita() pizzaMargherita.printInfo() // Output: This pizza has flatbread base with tomato sauce with cheese. It has the following toppings: olives let pizzaAlfredo = pizzaShop.makePizzaAlfredo() pizzaAlfredo.printInfo() // Output: This pizza has flatbread base with alfredo sauce with cheese. It has the following toppings: jalapeno let pizzaMarinara = pizzaShop.makePizzaMarinara() pizzaMarinara.printInfo() // Output: This pizza has flatbread base with tomato sauce without cheese. It has the following toppings: olives // Or send your custom request directly to the chef! let chef = PizzaBuilder() let customPizza = chef.addFlatbreadBase().addTomatoSauce().addCheese().addOlives().addJalapeno().cook() customPizza.printInfo() // Output: This pizza has flatbread base with tomato sauce with cheese. It has the following toppings: olives,jalapeno } run()
你可以将Builder与Director配对,如上面例子中的 PizzaShop
5. Prototype
// Defining how a document would look like function Document() { this.header = "Acme Co" this.footer = "For internal use only" this.pages = 2 this.text = "" this.addText = function(text) { this.text += text } // Method to help you see the contents of the object this.printInfo = function() { console.log("\n\nHeader: " + this.header + "\nFooter: " + this.footer + "\nPages: " + this.pages + "\nText: " + this.text) } } // A protype (or template) for creating new blank documents with boilerplate information function DocumentPrototype(baseDocument) { this.baseDocument = baseDocument // This is where the magic happens. A new document object is created and is assigned the values of the current object this.clone = function() { let document = new Document(); document.header = this.baseDocument.header document.footer = this.baseDocument.footer document.pages = this.baseDocument.pages document.text = this.baseDocument.text return document } } function run() { // Create a document to use as the base for the prototype let baseDocument = new Document() // Make some changes to the prototype baseDocument.addText("This text was added before cloning and will be common in both documents. ") let prototype = new DocumentPrototype(baseDocument) // Create two documents from the prototype let doc1 = prototype.clone() let doc2 = prototype.clone() // Make some changes to both objects doc1.pages = 3 doc1.addText("This is document 1") doc2.addText("This is document 2") // Print their values doc1.printInfo() /* Output: Header: Acme Co Footer: For internal use only Pages: 3 Text: This text was added before cloning and will be common in both documents. This is document 1 */ doc2.printInfo() /** Output: Header: Acme Co Footer: For internal use only Pages: 2 Text: This text was added before cloning and will be common in both documents. This is document 2 */ } run()
6. Adapter
// Old bot function Robot() { this.walk = function(numberOfSteps) { // code to make the robot walk console.log("walked " + numberOfSteps + " steps") } this.sit = function() { // code to make the robot sit console.log("sit") } } // New bot that does not have the walk function anymore // but instead has functions to control each step independently function AdvancedRobot(botName) { // the new bot has a name as well this.name = botName this.sit = function() { // code to make the robot sit console.log("sit") } this.rightStepForward = function() { // code to take 1 step from right leg forward console.log("right step forward") } this.leftStepForward = function () { // code to take 1 step from left leg forward console.log("left step forward") } } function RobotAdapter(botName) { // No references to the old interfact since that is usually // phased out of development const robot = new AdvancedRobot(botName) // The adapter defines the walk function by using the // two step controls. You now have room to choose which leg to begin/end with, // and do something at each step. this.walk = function(numberOfSteps) { for (let i=0; i<numberOfSteps; i++) { if (i % 2 === 0) { robot.rightStepForward() } else { robot.leftStepForward() } } } this.sit = robot.sit } function run() { let robot = new Robot() robot.sit() // Output: sit robot.walk(5) // Output: walked 5 steps robot = new RobotAdapter("my bot") robot.sit() // Output: sit robot.walk(5) // Output: // right step forward // left step forward // right step forward // left step forward // right step forward } run()
7. Bridge
// The TV and speaker share the same interface function TV() { this.increaseVolume = function() { // logic to increase TV volume } this.decreaseVolume = function() { // logic to decrease TV volume } this.mute = function() { // logic to mute TV audio } } function Speaker() { this.increaseVolume = function() { // logic to increase speaker volume } this.decreaseVolume = function() { // logic to decrease speaker volume } this.mute() = function() { // logic to mute speaker audio } } // The two remotes make use of the same common interface // that supports volume up and volume down features function SimpleRemote(device) { this.pressVolumeDownKey = function() { device.decreaseVolume() } this.pressVolumeUpKey = function() { device.increaseVolume() } } function AdvancedRemote(device) { this.pressVolumeDownKey = function() { device.decreaseVolume() } this.pressVolumeUpKey = function() { device.increaseVolume() } this.pressMuteKey = function() { device.mute() } } function run() { let tv = new TV() let speaker = new Speaker() let tvSimpleRemote = new SimpleRemote(tv) let tvAdvancedRemote = new AdvancedRemote(tv) let speakerSimpleRemote = new SimpleRemote(speaker) let speakerAdvancedRemote = new AdvancedRemote(speaker) // The methods listed in pair below will have the same effect // on their target devices tvSimpleRemote.pressVolumeDownKey() tvAdvancedRemote.pressVolumeDownKey() tvSimpleRemote.pressVolumeUpKey() tvAdvancedRemote.pressVolumeUpKey() // The advanced remote has additional functionality tvAdvancedRemote.pressMuteKey() speakerSimpleRemote.pressVolumeDownKey() speakerAdvancedRemote.pressVolumeDownKey() speakerSimpleRemote.pressVolumeUpKey() speakerAdvancedRemote.pressVolumeUpKey() speakerAdvancedRemote.pressMuteKey() }
8. Composite
// A product class, that acts as a Leaf node function Product(name, price) { this.name = name this.price = price this.getTotalPrice = function() { return this.price } } // A box class, that acts as a parent/child node function Box(name) { this.contents = [] this.name = name // Helper function to add an item to the box this.add = function(content){ this.contents.push(content) } // Helper function to remove an item from the box this.remove = function() { var length = this.contents.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (this.contents[i] === child) { this.contents.splice(i, 1); return; } } } // Helper function to get one item from the box this.getContent = function(position) { return this.contents[position] } // Helper function to get the total count of the items in the box this.getTotalCount = function() { return this.contents.length } // Helper function to calculate the total price of all items in the box this.getTotalPrice = function() { let totalPrice = 0; for (let i=0; i < this.getTotalCount(); i++){ totalPrice += this.getContent(i).getTotalPrice() } return totalPrice } } function run() { // Let's create some electronics const mobilePhone = new Product("mobile phone," 1000) const phoneCase = new Product("phone case," 30) const screenProtector = new Product("screen protector," 20) // and some stationery products const pen = new Product("pen," 2) const pencil = new Product("pencil," 0.5) const eraser = new Product("eraser," 0.5) const stickyNotes = new Product("sticky notes," 10) // and put them in separate boxes const electronicsBox = new Box("electronics") electronicsBox.add(mobilePhone) electronicsBox.add(phoneCase) electronicsBox.add(screenProtector) const stationeryBox = new Box("stationery") stationeryBox.add(pen) stationeryBox.add(pencil) stationeryBox.add(eraser) stationeryBox.add(stickyNotes) // and finally, put them into one big box for convenient shipping const package = new Box('package') package.add(electronicsBox) package.add(stationeryBox) // Here's an easy way to calculate the total order value console.log("Total order price: USD " + package.getTotalPrice()) // Output: USD 1063 } run()
9. Decorator
在下面的例子中,你会看到Decorator模式是如何帮助在一个标准的 Customer
function Customer(name, age) { this.name = name this.age = age this.printInfo = function() { console.log("Customer:\nName : " + this.name + " | Age: " + this.age) } } function DecoratedCustomer(customer, location) { this.customer = customer this.name = customer.name this.age = customer.age this.location = location this.printInfo = function() { console.log("Decorated Customer:\nName: " + this.name + " | Age: " + this.age + " | Location: " + this.location) } } function run() { let customer = new Customer("John," 25) customer.printInfo() // Output: // Customer: // Name : John | Age: 25 let decoratedCustomer = new DecoratedCustomer(customer, "FL") decoratedCustomer.printInfo() // Output: // Customer: // Name : John | Age: 25 | Location: FL } run()
10. Facade
/** * Let's say you're trying to build an online store. It will have multiple components and * complex business logic. In the example below, you will find a tiny segment of an online * store composed together using the Facade design pattern. The various manager and helper * classes are defined first of all. */ function CartManager() { this.getItems = function() { // logic to return items return [] } this.clearCart = function() { // logic to clear cart } } function InvoiceManager() { this.createInvoice = function(items) { // logic to create invoice return {} } this.notifyCustomerOfFailure = function(invoice) { // logic to notify customer } this.updateInvoicePaymentDetails = function(paymentResult) { // logic to update invoice after payment attempt } } function PaymentProcessor() { this.processPayment = function(invoice) { // logic to initiate and process payment return {} } } function WarehouseManager() { this.prepareForShipping = function(items, invoice) { // logic to prepare the items to be shipped } } // This is where facade comes in. You create an additional interface on top of your // existing interfaces to define the business logic clearly. This interface exposes // very simple, high-level methods for the calling environment. function OnlineStore() { this.name = "Online Store" this.placeOrder = function() { let cartManager = new CartManager() let items = cartManager.getItems() let invoiceManager = new InvoiceManager() let invoice = invoiceManager.createInvoice(items) let paymentResult = new PaymentProcessor().processPayment(invoice) invoiceManager.updateInvoicePaymentDetails(paymentResult) if (paymentResult.status === 'success') { new WarehouseManager().prepareForShipping(items, invoice) cartManager.clearCart() } else { invoiceManager.notifyCustomerOfFailure(invoice) } } } // The calling environment is unaware of what goes on when somebody clicks a button to // place the order. You can easily change the underlying business logic without breaking // your calling environment. function run() { let onlineStore = new OnlineStore() onlineStore.placeOrder() }
除此之外,Facade类成为你的应用程序运作的一个强制性依赖–意味着 Facade
11. Flyweight
// A simple Character class that stores the value, type, and position of a character function Character(value, type, position) { this.value = value this.type = type this.position = position } // A Flyweight class that stores character value and type combinations function CharacterFlyweight(value, type) { this.value = value this.type = type } // A factory to automatically create the flyweights that are not present in the list, // and also generate a count of the total flyweights in the list const CharacterFlyweightFactory = (function () { const flyweights = {} return { get: function (value, type) { if (flyweights[value + type] === undefined) flyweights[value + type] = new CharacterFlyweight(value, type) return flyweights[value + type] }, count: function () { let count = 0; for (var f in flyweights) count++; return count; } } })() // An enhanced Character class that uses flyweights to store references // to recurring value and type combinations function CharacterWithFlyweight(value, type, position) { this.flyweight = CharacterFlyweightFactory.get(value, type) this.position = position } // A helper function to define the type of a character // It identifies numbers as N and everything as A (for alphabets) function getCharacterType(char) { switch (char) { case "0": case "1": case "2": case "3": case "4": case "5": case "6": case "7": case "8": case "9": return "N" default: return "A" } } // A list class to create an array of Characters from a given string function CharactersList(str) { chars = [] for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const char = str[i] chars.push(new Character(char, getCharacterType(char), i)) } return chars } // A list class to create an array of CharacterWithFlyweights from a given string function CharactersWithFlyweightsList(str) { chars = [] for (let i = 0; i " + charactersList.length) // Output: Character count -> 656 // The number of flyweights created is only 31, since only 31 characters are used to write the // entire paragraph. This means that to store 656 characters, a total of // (31 * 2 + 656 * 1 = 718) memory blocks are used instead of (656 * 3 = 1968) which would have // used by the standard array. // (We have assumed each variable to take up one memory block for simplicity. This // may vary in real-life scenarios) console.log("Flyweights created -> " + CharacterFlyweightFactory.count()) // Output: Flyweights created -> 31 } run()
12. Proxy
function DatabaseHandler() { const data = {} this.set = function (key, val) { data[key] = val; } this.get = function (key, val) { return data[key] } this.remove = function (key) { data[key] = null; } } function DatabaseProxy(databaseInstance) { this.set = function (key, val) { if (key === "") { console.log("Invalid input") return } if (val === undefined) { console.log("Setting value to undefined not allowed!") return } databaseInstance.set(key, val) } this.get = function (key) { if (databaseInstance.get(key) === null) { console.log("Element deleted") } if (databaseInstance.get(key) === undefined) { console.log("Element not created") } return databaseInstance.get(key) } this.remove = function (key) { if (databaseInstance.get(key) === undefined) { console.log("Element not added") return } if (databaseInstance.get(key) === null) { console.log("Element removed already") return } return databaseInstance.remove(key) } } function run() { let databaseInstance = new DatabaseHandler() databaseInstance.set("foo," "bar") databaseInstance.set("foo," undefined) console.log("#1: " + databaseInstance.get("foo")) // #1: undefined console.log("#2: " + databaseInstance.get("baz")) // #2: undefined databaseInstance.set("," "something") databaseInstance.remove("foo") console.log("#3: " + databaseInstance.get("foo")) // #3: null databaseInstance.remove("foo") databaseInstance.remove("baz") // Create a fresh database instance to try the same operations // using the proxy databaseInstance = new DatabaseHandler() let proxy = new DatabaseProxy(databaseInstance) proxy.set("foo," "bar") proxy.set("foo," undefined) // Proxy jumps in: // Output: Setting value to undefined not allowed! console.log("#1: " + proxy.get("foo")) // Original value is retained: // Output: #1: bar console.log("#2: " + proxy.get("baz")) // Proxy jumps in again // Output: // Element not created // #2: undefined proxy.set("," "something") // Proxy jumps in again // Output: Invalid input proxy.remove("foo") console.log("#3: " + proxy.get("foo")) // Proxy jumps in again // Output: // Element deleted // #3: null proxy.remove("foo") // Proxy output: Element removed already proxy.remove("baz") // Proxy output: Element not added } run()
13. Chain of Responsibility
责任链模式(Chain of Responsibility)是最简单的行为设计模式之一。当你为可以由多个处理程序处理的操作设计逻辑时,它就会派上用场。
// Complaint class that stores title and severity of a complaint // Higher value of severity indicates a more severe complaint function Complaint (title, severity) { this.title = title this.severity = severity } // Base level handler that receives all complaints function Representative () { // If this handler can not handle the complaint, it will be forwarded to the next level this.nextLevel = new Management() this.handleComplaint = function (complaint) { if (complaint.severity === 0) console.log("Representative resolved the following complaint: " + complaint.title) else this.nextLevel.handleComplaint(complaint) } } // Second level handler to handle complaints of severity 1 function Management() { // If this handler can not handle the complaint, it will be forwarded to the next level this.nextLevel = new Leadership() this.handleComplaint = function (complaint) { if (complaint.severity === 1) console.log("Management resolved the following complaint: " + complaint.title) else this.nextLevel.handleComplaint(complaint) } } // Highest level handler that handles all complaints unhandled so far function Leadership() { this.handleComplaint = function (complaint) { console.log("Leadership resolved the following complaint: " + complaint.title) } } function run() { // Create an instance of the base level handler let customerSupport = new Representative() // Create multiple complaints of varying severity and pass them to the base handler let complaint1 = new Complaint("Submit button doesn't work," 0) customerSupport.handleComplaint(complaint1) // Output: Representative resolved the following complaint: Submit button doesn't work let complaint2 = new Complaint("Payment failed," 1) customerSupport.handleComplaint(complaint2) // Output: Management resolved the following complaint: Payment failed let complaint3 = new Complaint("Employee misdemeanour," 2) customerSupport.handleComplaint(complaint3) // Output: Leadership resolved the following complaint: Employee misdemeanour } run()
14. Iterator
// Iterator for a complex list with custom methods function Iterator(list) { this.list = list this.index = 0 // Fetch the current element this.current = function() { return this.list[this.index] } // Fetch the next element in the list this.next = function() { return this.list[this.index++] } // Check if there is another element in the list this.hasNext = function() { return this.index < this.list.length } // Reset the index to point to the initial element this.resetIndex = function() { this.index = 0 } // Run a forEach loop over the list this.forEach = function(callback) { for (let element = this.next(); this.index <= this.list.length; element = this.next()) { callback(element) } } } function run() { // A complex list with elements of multiple data types let list = ["Lorem ipsum," 9, ["lorem ipsum dolor," true], false] // Create an instance of the iterator and pass it the list let iterator = new Iterator(list) // Log the first element console.log(iterator.current()) // Output: Lorem ipsum // Print all elements of the list using the iterator's methods while (iterator.hasNext()) { console.log(iterator.next()) /** * Output: * Lorem ipsum * 9 * [ 'lorem ipsum dolor', true ] * false */ } // Reset the iterator's index to the first element iterator.resetIndex() // Use the custom iterator to pass an effect that will run for each element of the list iterator.forEach(function (element) { console.log(element) }) /** * Output: * Lorem ipsum * 9 * [ 'lorem ipsum dolor', true ] * false */ } run()
15. Mediator
// Writer class that receives an assignment, writes it in 2 seconds, and marks it as finished function Writer(name, manager) { // Reference to the manager, writer's name, and a busy flag that the manager uses while assigning the article this.manager = manager this.name = name this.busy = false this.startWriting = function (assignment) { console.log(this.name + " started writing \"" + assignment + "\"") this.assignment = assignment this.busy = true // 2 s timer to replicate manual action setTimeout(() => { this.finishWriting() }, 2000) } this.finishWriting = function () { if (this.busy === true) { console.log(this.name + " finished writing \"" + this.assignment + "\"") this.busy = false return this.manager.notifyWritingComplete(this.assignment) } else { console.log(this.name + " is not writing any article") } } } // Editor class that receives an assignment, edits it in 3 seconds, and marks it as finished function Editor(name, manager) { // Reference to the manager, writer's name, and a busy flag that the manager uses while assigning the article this.manager = manager this.name = name this.busy = false this.startEditing = function (assignment) { console.log(this.name + " started editing \"" + assignment + "\"") this.assignment = assignment this.busy = true // 3 s timer to replicate manual action setTimeout(() => { this.finishEditing() }, 3000) } this.finishEditing = function () { if (this.busy === true) { console.log(this.name + " finished editing \"" + this.assignment + "\"") this.manager.notifyEditingComplete(this.assignment) this.busy = false } else { console.log(this.name + " is not editing any article") } } } // The mediator class function Manager() { // Store arrays of workers this.editors = [] this.writers = [] this.setEditors = function (editors) { this.editors = editors } this.setWriters = function (writers) { this.writers = writers } // Manager receives new assignments via this method this.notifyNewAssignment = function (assignment) { let availableWriter = this.writers.find(function (writer) { return writer.busy === false }) availableWriter.startWriting(assignment) return availableWriter } // Writers call this method to notify they're done writing this.notifyWritingComplete = function (assignment) { let availableEditor = this.editors.find(function (editor) { return editor.busy === false }) availableEditor.startEditing(assignment) return availableEditor } // Editors call this method to notify they're done editing this.notifyEditingComplete = function (assignment) { console.log("\"" + assignment + "\" is ready to publish") } } function run() { // Create a manager let manager = new Manager() // Create workers let editors = [ new Editor("Ed," manager), new Editor("Phil," manager), ] let writers = [ new Writer("Michael," manager), new Writer("Rick," manager), ] // Attach workers to manager manager.setEditors(editors) manager.setWriters(writers) // Send two assignments to manager manager.notifyNewAssignment("var vs let in JavaScript") manager.notifyNewAssignment("JS promises") /** * Output: * Michael started writing "var vs let in JavaScript" * Rick started writing "JS promises" * * After 2s, output: * Michael finished writing "var vs let in JavaScript" * Ed started editing "var vs let in JavaScript" * Rick finished writing "JS promises" * Phil started editing "JS promises" * * After 3s, output: * Ed finished editing "var vs let in JavaScript" * "var vs let in JavaScript" is ready to publish * Phil finished editing "JS promises" * "JS promises" is ready to publish */ } run()
16. Memento
// The memento class that can hold one snapshot of the Originator class - document function Text(contents) { // Contents of the document this.contents = contents // Accessor function for contents this.getContents = function () { return this.contents } // Helper function to calculate word count for the current document this.getWordCount = function () { return this.contents.length } } // The originator class that holds the latest version of the document function Document(contents) { // Holder for the memento, i.e., the text of the document this.text = new Text(contents) // Function to save new contents as a memento this.save = function (contents) { this.text = new Text(contents) return this.text } // Function to revert to an older version of the text using a memento this.restore = function (text) { this.text = new Text(text.getContents()) } // Helper function to get the current memento this.getText = function () { return this.text } // Helper function to get the word count of the current document this.getWordCount = function () { return this.text.getWordCount() } } // The caretaker class that providers helper functions to modify the document function DocumentManager(document) { // Holder for the originator, i.e., the document this.document = document // Array to maintain a list of mementos this.history = [] // Add the initial state of the document as the first version of the document this.history.push(document.getText()) // Helper function to get the current contents of the documents this.getContents = function () { return this.document.getText().getContents() } // Helper function to get the total number of versions available for the document this.getVersionCount = function () { return this.history.length } // Helper function to get the complete history of the document this.getHistory = function () { return this.history.map(function (element) { return element.getContents() }) } // Function to overwrite the contents of the document this.overwrite = function (contents) { let newVersion = this.document.save(contents) this.history.push(newVersion) } // Function to append new content to the existing contents of the document this.append = function (contents) { let currentVersion = this.history[this.history.length - 1] let newVersion if (currentVersion === undefined) newVersion = this.document.save(contents) else newVersion = this.document.save(currentVersion.getContents() + contents) this.history.push(newVersion) } // Function to delete all the contents of the document this.delete = function () { this.history.push(this.document.save("")) } // Function to get a particular version of the document this.getVersion = function (versionNumber) { return this.history[versionNumber - 1] } // Function to undo the last change this.undo = function () { let previousVersion = this.history[this.history.length - 2] this.document.restore(previousVersion) this.history.push(previousVersion) } // Function to revert the document to a previous version this.revertToVersion = function (version) { let previousVersion = this.history[version - 1] this.document.restore(previousVersion) this.history.push(previousVersion) } // Helper function to get the total word count of the document this.getWordCount = function () { return this.document.getWordCount() } } function run() { // Create a document let blogPost = new Document("") // Create a caretaker for the document let blogPostManager = new DocumentManager(blogPost) // Change #1: Add some text blogPostManager.append("Hello World!") console.log(blogPostManager.getContents()) // Output: Hello World! // Change #2: Add some more text blogPostManager.append(" This is the second entry in the document") console.log(blogPostManager.getContents()) // Output: Hello World! This is the second entry in the document // Change #3: Overwrite the document with some new text blogPostManager.overwrite("This entry overwrites everything in the document") console.log(blogPostManager.getContents()) // Output: This entry overwrites everything in the document // Change #4: Delete the contents of the document blogPostManager.delete() console.log(blogPostManager.getContents()) // Empty output // Get an old version of the document console.log(blogPostManager.getVersion(2).getContents()) // Output: Hello World! // Change #5: Go back to an old version of the document blogPostManager.revertToVersion(3) console.log(blogPostManager.getContents()) // Output: Hello World! This is the second entry in the document // Get the word count of the current document console.log(blogPostManager.getWordCount()) // Output: 53 // Change #6: Undo the last change blogPostManager.undo() console.log(blogPostManager.getContents()) // Empty output // Get the total number of versions for the document console.log(blogPostManager.getVersionCount()) // Output: 7 // Get the complete history of the document console.log(blogPostManager.getHistory()) /** * Output: * [ * '', * 'Hello World!', * 'Hello World! This is the second entry in the document', * 'This entry overwrites everything in the document', * '', * 'Hello World! This is the second entry in the document', * '' * ] */ } run()
有了大量的对象,它们的生命周期管理也可能是一个相当繁琐的任务。除此之外, Originator
和 Caretaker
17. Observer
观察者模式不允许每个对象通过一个指定的调解器相互通信,而是允许它们相互观察。对象被设计成在试图发送数据或控制时发出事件,而 “监听 “这些事件的其他对象可以接收这些事件并根据其内容进行交互。
// The newsletter class that can send out posts to its subscribers function Newsletter() { // Maintain a list of subscribers this.subscribers = [] // Subscribe a reader by adding them to the subscribers' list this.subscribe = function(subscriber) { this.subscribers.push(subscriber) } // Unsubscribe a reader by removing them from the subscribers' list this.unsubscribe = function(subscriber) { this.subscribers = this.subscribers.filter( function (element) { if (element !== subscriber) return element } ) } // Publish a post by calling the receive function of all subscribers this.publish = function(post) { this.subscribers.forEach(function(element) { element.receiveNewsletter(post) }) } } // The reader class that can subscribe to and receive updates from newsletters function Reader(name) { this.name = name this.receiveNewsletter = function(post) { console.log("Newsletter received by " + name + "!: " + post) } } function run() { // Create two readers let rick = new Reader("ed") let morty = new Reader("morty") // Create your newsletter let newsletter = new Newsletter() // Subscribe a reader to the newsletter newsletter.subscribe(rick) // Publish the first post newsletter.publish("This is the first of the many posts in this newsletter") /** * Output: * Newsletter received by ed!: This is the first of the many posts in this newsletter */ // Subscribe another reader to the newsletter newsletter.subscribe(morty) // Publish the second post newsletter.publish("This is the second of the many posts in this newsletter") /** * Output: * Newsletter received by ed!: This is the second of the many posts in this newsletter * Newsletter received by morty!: This is the second of the many posts in this newsletter */ // Unsubscribe the first reader newsletter.unsubscribe(rick) // Publish the third post newsletter.publish("This is the third of the many posts in this newsletter") /** * Output: * Newsletter received by morty!: This is the third of the many posts in this newsletter */ } run()
18. State
// Create titles for all states of a task const STATE_TODO = "TODO" const STATE_IN_PROGRESS = "IN_PROGRESS" const STATE_READY_FOR_REVIEW = "READY_FOR_REVIEW" const STATE_DONE = "DONE" // Create the task class with a title, assignee, and duration of the task function Task(title, assignee) { this.title = title this.assignee = assignee // Helper function to update the assignee of the task this.setAssignee = function (assignee) { this.assignee = assignee } // Function to update the state of the task this.updateState = function (state) { switch (state) { case STATE_TODO: this.state = new TODO(this) break case STATE_IN_PROGRESS: this.state = new IN_PROGRESS(this) break case STATE_READY_FOR_REVIEW: this.state = new READY_FOR_REVIEW(this) break case STATE_DONE: this.state = new DONE(this) break default: return } // Invoke the callback function for the new state after it is set this.state.onStateSet() } // Set the initial state of the task as TODO this.updateState(STATE_TODO) } // TODO state function TODO(task) { this.onStateSet = function () { console.log(task.assignee + " notified about new task \"" + task.title + "\"") } } // IN_PROGRESS state function IN_PROGRESS(task) { this.onStateSet = function () { console.log(task.assignee + " started working on the task \"" + task.title + "\"") } } // READY_FOR_REVIEW state that updates the assignee of the task to be the manager of the developer // for the review function READY_FOR_REVIEW(task) { this.getAssignee = function () { return "Manager 1" } this.onStateSet = function () { task.setAssignee(this.getAssignee()) console.log(task.assignee + " notified about completed task \"" + task.title + "\"") } } // DONE state that removes the assignee of the task since it is now completed function DONE(task) { this.getAssignee = function () { return "" } this.onStateSet = function () { task.setAssignee(this.getAssignee()) console.log("Task \"" + task.title + "\" completed") } } function run() { // Create a task let task1 = new Task("Create a login page," "Developer 1") // Output: Developer 1 notified about new task "Create a login page" // Set it to IN_PROGRESS task1.updateState(STATE_IN_PROGRESS) // Output: Developer 1 started working on the task "Create a login page" // Create another task let task2 = new Task("Create an auth server," "Developer 2") // Output: Developer 2 notified about new task "Create an auth server" // Set it to IN_PROGRESS as well task2.updateState(STATE_IN_PROGRESS) // Output: Developer 2 started working on the task "Create an auth server" // Update the states of the tasks until they are done task2.updateState(STATE_READY_FOR_REVIEW) // Output: Manager 1 notified about completed task "Create an auth server" task1.updateState(STATE_READY_FOR_REVIEW) // Output: Manager 1 notified about completed task "Create a login page" task1.updateState(STATE_DONE) // Output: Task "Create a login page" completed task2.updateState(STATE_DONE) // Output: Task "Create an auth server" completed } run()
19. Strategy
// The strategy class that can encapsulate all hosting providers function HostingProvider() { // store the provider this.provider = "" // set the provider this.setProvider = function(provider) { this.provider = provider } // set the website configuration for which each hosting provider would calculate costs this.setConfiguration = function(configuration) { this.configuration = configuration } // the generic estimate method that calls the provider's unique methods to calculate the costs this.estimateMonthlyCost = function() { return this.provider.estimateMonthlyCost(this.configuration) } } // Foo Hosting charges for each second and KB of hosting usage function FooHosting (){ this.name = "FooHosting" this.rate = 0.0000027 this.estimateMonthlyCost = function(configuration){ return configuration.duration * configuration.workloadSize * this.rate } } // Bar Hosting charges per minute instead of seconds function BarHosting (){ this.name = "BarHosting" this.rate = 0.00018 this.estimateMonthlyCost = function(configuration){ return configuration.duration / 60 * configuration.workloadSize * this.rate } } // Baz Hosting assumes the average workload to be of 10 MB in size function BazHosting (){ this.name = "BazHosting" this.rate = 0.032 this.estimateMonthlyCost = function(configuration){ return configuration.duration * this.rate } } function run() { // Create a website configuration for a website that is up for 24 hours and takes 10 MB of hosting space let workloadConfiguration = { duration: 84700, workloadSize: 10240 } // Create the hosting provider instances let fooHosting = new FooHosting() let barHosting = new BarHosting() let bazHosting = new BazHosting() // Create the instance of the strategy class let hostingProvider = new HostingProvider() // Set the configuration against which the rates have to be calculated hostingProvider.setConfiguration(workloadConfiguration) // Set each provider one by one and print the rates hostingProvider.setProvider(fooHosting) console.log("FooHosting cost: " + hostingProvider.estimateMonthlyCost()) // Output: FooHosting cost: 2341.7856 hostingProvider.setProvider(barHosting) console.log("BarHosting cost: " + hostingProvider.estimateMonthlyCost()) // Output: BarHosting cost: 2601.9840 hostingProvider.setProvider(bazHosting) console.log("BarHosting cost: " + hostingProvider.estimateMonthlyCost()) // Output: BarHosting cost: 2710.4000 } run()
20. Visitor
// Visitor class that defines the methods to be called when visiting each place function Reader(name, cash) { this.name = name this.cash = cash // The visit methods can access the place object and invoke available functions this.visitBookstore = function(bookstore) { console.log(this.name + " visited the bookstore and bought a book") bookstore.purchaseBook(this) } this.visitLibrary = function() { console.log(this.name + " visited the library and read a book") } // Helper function to demonstrate a transaction this.pay = function(amount) { this.cash -= amount } } // Place class for a library function Library () { this.accept = function(reader) { reader.visitLibrary() } } // Place class for a bookstore that allows purchasing book function Bookstore () { this.accept = function(reader) { reader.visitBookstore(this) } this.purchaseBook = function (visitor) { console.log(visitor.name + " bought a book") visitor.pay(8) } } function run() { // Create a reader (the visitor) let reader = new Reader("Rick," 30) // Create the places let booksInc = new Bookstore() let publicLibrary = new Library() // The reader visits the library publicLibrary.accept(reader) // Output: Rick visited the library and read a book console.log(reader.name + " has $" + reader.cash) // Output: Rick has $30 // The reader visits the bookstore booksInc.accept(reader) // Output: Rick visited the bookstore and bought a book console.log(reader.name + " has $" + reader.cash) // Output: Rick has $22 } run()
- 你有一个强大的内部开发团队,他们对设计模式非常了解。
- 你所遵循的SDLC模式允许围绕你的应用程序的架构进行深入的讨论,而设计模式已经在这些讨论中出现了。
- 同样的问题在你的设计讨论中出现过多次,你知道适合这种情况的设计模式。
- 你已经尝试用设计模式来独立解决你的问题的一个较小的变体。
- 有了设计模式,你的代码看起来就不会过于复杂了。
如果一个设计模式能够解决你的问题,并帮助你写出简单、可重用、模块化、松散耦合、没有 “代码气味 “的代码,那么它可能是正确的方法。