OWL Agent:GAIA开源界排名第一的Manus AI平替方案

OWL Agent


OWL 是优化劳动力学习(Optimized Workforce Learning for General Multi-Agent Assistance in Real-World Task Automation)的缩写。它是 Manus AI 的开源替代方案,旨在超越对依赖人类的 LLM 的需求。相反,它可以帮助人工智能代理独立工作。通过让这些代理相互对话和协作,OWL Agent 可以在较少人工帮助的情况下处理复杂的任务。这样,我们就能在各种不同领域将任务自动化提升到新的水平。

什么是OWL Agent?

OWL 是优化劳动力学习(Optimized Workforce Learning)的缩写,是一个先进的框架,旨在加强多个人工智能代理之间的协作,从而推进任务自动化。OWL 以CAMEL-AI 框架为基础,旨在改变人工智能代理合作应对现实世界挑战的方式。

OWL 创新的核心是引入了一个被称为角色扮演的合作代理框架,该框架采用开端提示来促进无缝代理合作。这种方法只需要人类提供一个初始概念,就能使对话朝着有效解决问题的方向自然发展。

为了推进多代理合作,OWL 项目策划了多个数据集,包括AI Society, Code, Math, Science, 和 Misalignment,这些数据集是探索会话语言模型的宝贵资源。值得注意的是,与其他模型(如 GPT-3.5 Turbo)生成的解决方案相比,角色扮演框架生成的解决方案表现出更优越的性能。

OWL 代表着人工智能自主协作的重大飞跃,为减少复杂任务自动化中对人工输入的依赖、提高人工智能驱动解决方案的整体效率和有效性提供了一条前景广阔的途径。


OWL 在 GAIA 基准测试中取得了平均 58.18 分的优异成绩,在开源框架中名列前茅。这一成绩彰显了它在处理复杂的现实世界任务时的有效性和稳健性。


  1. 在线搜索(实时信息检索)
    • OWL 可同时搜索多个来源,包括谷歌、维基百科、DuckDuckGo、百度等。
    • 这意味着它可以快速查找和获取最新信息。
  2. 多模态处理(可处理不同类型的数据)
    • 它可以处理文本、图像、视频和音频。
    • 这使得它在图像识别、视频分析和语音处理等任务中非常有用。
  3. 浏览器自动化(模拟人类在网站上的操作)
    • OWL 可以滚动、点击按钮、输入表单、下载文件和浏览网页。
    • 它使用的 Playwright 是一款用于实现网络交互自动化的工具。
  4. 文档解析(从文件中提取内容)
    • 它可以打开并读取 Word、Excel、PDF 和 PowerPoint 文件。
    • 它能将文件转换为纯文本或 Markdown,使其更易于分析。
  5. 代码执行(运行Python代码)
    • OWL 可以直接编写和运行 Python 程序。
    • 这使它成为数据分析、计算和自动化的绝佳工具。
  6. 内置工具包(用于特定任务的预制工具)
    • OWL 有许多专门的工具包,可满足不同的需求。
    • 例如
      • SearchToolkit→帮助在线搜索。
      • ImageAnalysisToolkit→ 处理图片。
      • VideoAnalysisToolkit→ 处理视频。
      • MathToolkit→ 解决数学问题。
      • ExcelToolkit→ 处理电子表格。
      • WeatherToolkit→ 获取天气更新。
      • GitHubToolkit→ 帮助完成编码项目。
    • 还有更多
  7. 模型上下文协议(MCP)
    • 这是一个通用系统,可让 OWL 与不同的人工智能模型和工具轻松连接。
    • 可以把它想象成一个 “翻译器”,帮助人工智能理解和处理各种数据源。


OWL 可以快速搜索、分析、自动处理信息。它非常适合

  • 研究人员(查找和总结信息)
  • 开发人员(编写和运行代码)
  • 企业(自动化网络任务和文档处理)
  • 内容创建者(分析图像、音频和视频)


如果您想在计算机上安装 OWL,可以采用不同的方法。最好的方法(也是我们在此使用的方法)是方案 1:使用 uv,推荐使用这种方法,因为它能确保在虚拟环境中干净利落地安装。

下面是 GitHub 链接:单击此处


  1. Python 3.10、3.11 或 3.12(通过运行python --version 查看)
  2. 工作终端(命令提示符、PowerShell 或 macOS/Linux 上的终端)


1. 从GitHub克隆OWL仓库

这将把 OWL 项目文件下载到你的电脑。

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git clone https://github.com/camel-ai/owl.git
git clone https://github.com/camel-ai/owl.git
git clone https://github.com/camel-ai/owl.git


2. 进入项目文件夹

移动到 OWL 目录中,以便在其中运行命令。

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cd owl
cd owl
cd owl

3. 安装uv(如果还没有的话)


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pip install uv
pip install uv
pip install uv

4. 创建虚拟环境

虚拟环境将 OWL 及其依赖关系与其他 Python 项目分开。这样可以防止冲突。

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uv venv .venv --python=3.10
uv venv .venv --python=3.10
uv venv .venv --python=3.10

注:它也适用于 Python 3.11 或 3.12

6. 激活虚拟环境

现在需要激活虚拟环境,以便 Python 知道如何使用它。

  • 对于 macOS/Linux:source .venv/bin/activate
  • 对于 Windows:.venv\Scripts\activate


7. 安装OWL和所有依赖项

现在安装 OWL 及其正常运行所需的一切。

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uv pip install -e .
uv pip install -e .
uv pip install -e .



  • 从 GitHub 克隆OWL 的源代码
  • 建立虚拟环境,使依赖关系井井有条
  • 安装 OWL 顺利运行所需的一切

此外,OWL 还需要各种 API 密钥才能与不同的服务交互。owl/.env_template 文件包含所有必要 API 密钥的占位符,以及可以注册这些密钥的服务链接。

另请阅读:Manus AI 比 OpenAI Operator 更好吗?


.env 文件用于以安全的方式存储密钥(如 API 密钥)。它有助于保持敏感数据的私密性并便于管理。

方案 1:使用.env文件(推荐)


这是最简单、最安全的 API 密钥设置方法。

第 1 步:导航至OWL目录

打开终端,进入 OWL 文件夹:

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cd owl
cd owl
cd owl

第 2 步:创建.env文件


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cp .env_template .env
cp .env_template .env
cp .env_template .env

第 3 步:添加 API 密钥

用文本编辑器(如 VS Code、Nano 或记事本)打开 .env 文件,输入 API 密钥:

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OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-api-key-here" OTHER_API_KEY="your-other-api-key-here"


方案 2:直接设置环境变量




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export OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-api-key-here"
export OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-api-key-here"
export OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-api-key-here"



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set OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-api-key-here"
set OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-api-key-here"
set OPENAI_API_KEY="your-openai-api-key-here"



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$env:OPENAI_API_KEY = "your-openai-api-key-here"
$env:OPENAI_API_KEY = "your-openai-api-key-here"
$env:OPENAI_API_KEY = "your-openai-api-key-here"


1. 要使用OWL,请激活虚拟环境:

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source .venv/bin/activate # macOS/Linux
source .venv/bin/activate # macOS/Linux
source .venv/bin/activate # macOS/Linux
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.venv\Scripts\activate # Windows
.venv\Scripts\activate # Windows
.venv\Scripts\activate # Windows

2. 根据需要运行OWL命令或脚本:

OWL 支持各种 LLM 后端,但功能可能因模型的工具调用和多模态能力而异。您可以使用以下脚本来运行不同的模型:

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# Run with Qwen model
python examples/run_qwen_zh.py
# Run with Deepseek model
python examples/run_deepseek_zh.py
# Run with other OpenAI-compatible models
python examples/run_openai_compatiable_model.py
# Run with Azure OpenAI
python examples/run_azure_openai.py
# Run with Ollama
python examples/run_ollama.py
# Run with Qwen model python examples/run_qwen_zh.py # Run with Deepseek model python examples/run_deepseek_zh.py # Run with other OpenAI-compatible models python examples/run_openai_compatiable_model.py # Run with Azure OpenAI python examples/run_azure_openai.py # Run with Ollama python examples/run_ollama.py
# Run with Qwen model
python examples/run_qwen_zh.py
# Run with Deepseek model
python examples/run_deepseek_zh.py
# Run with other OpenAI-compatible models
python examples/run_openai_compatiable_model.py
# Run with Azure OpenAI
python examples/run_azure_openai.py
# Run with Ollama
python examples/run_ollama.py

快速启动:python examples/run.py

以下是体验增强型 Web 界面的方法:

增强型 Web 界面

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# Start the Chinese version
python owl/webapp_zh.py
# Start the English version
python owl/webapp.py
# Start the Chinese version python owl/webapp_zh.py # Start the English version python owl/webapp.py
# Start the Chinese version
python owl/webapp_zh.py
# Start the English version
python owl/webapp.py


完成后,使用 deactivate 退出环境


Owl Agent使用案例


Go to Analytics Vidhya’s official website and give me the latest articles






[Assistant Agent]: Solution: Yes, I have completed the task of finding the latest articles from Analytics Vidhya. The most recent articles identified are:1. **”All You Need to Know About Cohere’s Command A”** by Nitika Sharma, dated 15 Mar, 2025.2. **”Top 6 SOTA LLMs for Code, Web search, Research and More”** (author not specified).These articles were sorted by the latest, ensuring that the most recent content was provided. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please let me know!


[User Agent]: We are using browser interaction to solve a complex task which needs multi-step actions.Here are the overall task:<overall_task>Find the latest articles on Analytics Vidhya\'s official website.</overall_task>In order to solve the task, we made a detailed plan previously. Here is the detailed plan:<detailed plan>### Task RestatementThe task is to find the latest articles on Analytics Vidhya\'s official website. This involves navigating the website to locate the section where the most recent articles are published and gathering information about these articles.### Detailed Plan1. **Open the Website:**- Start by opening a web browser and entering the URL `https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/` to access the homepage of Analytics Vidhya.2. **Locate the Articles Section:**- Once the homepage loads, look for a section that typically features the latest articles. This could be labeled as "Latest Articles," "Recent Posts," or something similar.- If there is a navigation menu, check for options like "Blog," "Articles," or "Resources" that might lead to a page dedicated to articles.3. **Explore the Homepage:**- Scroll through the homepage to see if the latest articles are displayed directly on the main page. Websites often showcase their newest content prominently.4. **Use the Search Function:**- If the latest articles are not immediately visible, use the website\'s search function. Look for a search bar, usually located at the top of the page, and enter keywords like "latest articles" or "recent posts."5. **Check for a Blog or News Section:**- If available, click on a "Blog" or "News" section from the main menu or footer links. This section often contains a chronological list of articles.6. **Identify the Latest Articles:**- Once in the appropriate section, identify the latest articles by looking at the publication dates. Articles are usually listed in reverse chronological order, with the newest at the top.7. **Gather Information:**- For each of the latest articles, note down the title, author, publication date, and a brief summary or introduction if available.8. **Verify and Cross-Check:**- Ensure that the articles you have identified are indeed the latest by cross-checking the publication dates and any timestamps provided.9. **Document Findings:**- Compile the information gathered into a document or list for easy reference.10. **Stay Updated:**- Consider subscribing to the website\'s newsletter or RSS feed if available, to receive updates on new articles directly.This plan assumes that the website\'s layout and features are typical of content-driven sites, but be prepared to adapt if the website\'s structure is different.</detailed plan>According to the task above, we have made a series of observations, reasonings, and actions. Here are the latest 5 trajectory (at most) we have taken:<history>[{\'round\': 0, \'observation\': "The current viewport shows the homepage of Analytics Vidhya. The page has a prominent header with the text \'Building Next-Generation AI Professionals.\' There is a \'Login/Register\' button (ID: 52) and options to accept cookies (ID: 306) or use necessary cookies (ID: 307). The Analytics Vidhya logo is present at the top left (ID: 46).", \'thought\': \'To proceed with finding the latest articles, I should first accept all cookies to ensure smooth navigation. This might also reveal more interactive elements or sections on the page.\', \'action\': \'click_id(306)\', \'action_if_success\': True, \'info\': \'Action was successful.\', \'current_url\': \'https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/\[Assistant Agent]: ### Task RestatementThe task is to find the latest articles on Analytics Vidhya\'s official website. This involves navigating the website to locate the section where the most recent articles are published and gathering information about these articles.[Assistant Agent]: ```json{"if_need_replan": false,"replanned_schema": ""}```[Assistant Agent]: ```json{"observation": "The current viewport shows the homepage of Analytics Vidhya. The page has a prominent header with the text \'Building Next-Generation AI Professionals.\' There is a \'Login/Register\' button (ID: 52) and options to accept cookies (ID: 306) or use necessary cookies (ID: 307). The Analytics Vidhya logo is present at the top left (ID: 46).","reasoning": "To proceed with finding the latest articles, I should first accept all cookies to ensure smooth navigation. This might also reveal more interactive elements or sections on the page.","action_code": "click_id(306)"}```[Assistant Agent]: ```json{"observation": "A pop-up is displayed on the homepage with information about an AI Battlefield event. There is a close button (ID: 284) at the top right of the pop-up and a \'Participate Now\' button (ID: 285). The main content of the homepage is partially visible in the background.","reasoning": "To continue navigating the website and locate the latest articles, I need to close the pop-up. This will allow me to see the full homepage and access any navigation menus or sections that might lead to the latest articles.","action_code": "click_id(284)"}```[Assistant Agent]: ```json{"observation": "The homepage of Analytics Vidhya is visible with a header \'Building Next-Generation AI Professionals.\' There is a \'Login/Register\' button (ID: 52) and a \'Download now\' button (ID: 48) at the bottom. The Analytics Vidhya logo is at the top left (ID: 46).","reasoning": "To find the latest articles, I should look for a navigation menu or section that might lead to articles. Since the current viewport doesn\'t show such a section, scrolling down might reveal more content or a menu.","action_code": "scroll_down()"}```[Assistant Agent]: ```json{"observation": "The page shows statistics about Analytics Vidhya\'s impact, such as \'100M+ People Benefited\' and \'4M+ Community Members.\' Below, there is a section titled \'Trusted by 500+ Enterprises\' with logos of various companies. The \'Download now\' button (ID: 48) is still visible at the bottom.","reasoning": "The current section does not display the latest articles. I should continue scrolling down to explore more of the homepage, as the articles section might be further down.","action_code": "scroll_down()"}```[Assistant Agent]: ```json{"observation": "The page displays a section titled \'Fuel your AI journey\' with steps like \'Discover,\' \'Upskill,\' \'Engage,\' and \'Contribute.\' Logos of various companies are visible above this section. The \'Download now\' button (ID: 48) remains at the bottom.","reasoning": "The current section still does not show the latest articles. I should continue scrolling down to explore more of the homepage, as the articles section might be further down.","action_code": "scroll_down()"}```[User Agent]: We are using browser interaction to solve a complex task which needs multi-step actions.Here are the overall task:<overall_task>Find the latest articles on Analytics Vidhya\'s official website.</overall_task>In order to solve the task, we made a detailed plan previously. Here is the detailed plan:<detailed plan>### Task RestatementThe task is to find the latest articles on Analytics Vidhya\'s official website. This involves navigating the website to locate the section where the most recent articles are published and gathering information about these articles.### Replanned Detailed Plan1. **Open the Website:**- Start by opening a web browser and entering the URL `https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/` to access the homepage of Analytics Vidhya.2. **Accept Cookies and Close Pop-ups:**- Accept all cookies to ensure smooth navigation and close any pop-ups that may obstruct the view of the homepage.3. **Locate the Articles Section:**- Look for a section that typically features the latest articles. This could be labeled as "Latest Articles," "Recent Posts," or something similar.- If there is a navigation menu, check for options like "Blog," "Articles," or "Resources" that might lead to a page dedicated to articles.4. **Use the Search Function:**- If the latest articles are not immediately visible, use the website\'s search function. Look for a search bar, usually located at the top of the page, and enter keywords like "latest articles" or "recent posts."5. **Check for a Blog or News Section:**- If available, click on a "Blog" or "News" section from the main menu or footer links. This section often contains a chronological list of articles.6. **Identify the Latest Articles:**- Once in the appropriate section, identify the latest articles by looking at the publication dates. Articles are usually listed in reverse chronological order, with the newest at the top.7. **Gather Information:**- For each of the latest articles, note down the title, author, publication date, and a brief summary or introduction if available.8. **Verify and Cross-Check:**- Ensure that the articles you have identified are indeed the latest by cross-checking the publication dates and any timestamps provided.9. **Document Findings:**- Compile the information gathered into a document or list for easy reference.10. **Stay Updated:**- Consider subscribing to the website\'s newsletter or RSS feed if available, to receive updates on new articles directly.This replanned schema emphasizes the use of the search function and navigation menus more prominently, as scrolling alone has not yet revealed the latest articles.</detailed plan>According to the task above, we have made a series of observations, reasonings, and actions. Here are the latest 5 trajectory (at most) we have taken:<history>[{\'round\': 1, \'observation\': "A pop-up is displayed on the homepage with information about an AI Battlefield event. There is a close button (ID: 284) at the top right of the pop-up and a \'Participate Now\' button (ID: 285). The main content of the homepage is partially visible in the background.", \'thought\': \'To continue navigating the website and locate the latest articles, I need to close the pop-up. This will allow me to see the full homepage and access any navigation menus or sections that might lead to the latest articles.\', \'action\': \'click_id(284)\', \'action_if_success\': True, \'info\': \'Action was successful.\', \'current_url\': \'https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/\[Assistant Agent]: ```json{"if_need_replan": true,"replanned_schema": "### Task Restatement\\The task is to find the latest articles on Analytics Vidhya\'s official website. This involves navigating the website to locate the section where the most recent articles are published and gathering information about these articles.\\### Replanned Detailed Plan\\1. **Open the Website:**\- Start by opening a web browser and entering the URL `https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/` to access the homepage of Analytics Vidhya.\\2. **Accept Cookies and Close Pop-ups:**\- Accept all cookies to ensure smooth navigation and close any pop-ups that may obstruct the view of the homepage.\\3. **Locate the Articles Section:**\- Look for a section that typically features the latest articles. This could be labeled as \\"Latest Articles,\\" \\"Recent Posts,\\" or something similar.\- If there is a navigation menu, check for options like \\"Blog,\\" \\"Articles,\\" or \\"Resources\\" that might lead to a page dedicated to articles.\\4. **Use the Search Function:**\- If the latest articles are not immediately visible, use the website\'s search function. Look for a search bar, usually located at the top of the page, and enter keywords like \\"latest articles\\" or \\"recent posts.\\"\\5. **Check for a Blog or News Section:**\- If available, click on a \\"Blog\\" or \\"News\\" section from the main menu or footer links. This section often contains a chronological list of articles.\\6. **Identify the Latest Articles:**\- Once in the appropriate section, identify the latest articles by looking at the publication dates. Articles are usually listed in reverse chronological order, with the newest at the top.\\7. **Gather Information:**\- For each of the latest articles, note down the title, author, publication date, and a brief summary or introduction if available.\\8. **Verify and Cross-Check:**\- Ensure that the articles you have identified are indeed the latest by cross-checking the publication dates and any timestamps provided.\\9. **Document Findings:**\- Compile the information gathered into a document or list for easy reference.\\10. **Stay Updated:**\- Consider subscribing to the website\'s newsletter or RSS feed if available, to receive updates on new articles directly.\\This replanned schema emphasizes the use of the search function and navigation menus more prominently, as scrolling alone has not yet revealed the latest articles."}```[Assistant Agent]: ```json{"observation": "The page shows a section titled \'Experience the Analytics Vidhya difference\' with options like \'Discover,\' \'Upskill,\' and \'Engage.\' There is a link labeled \'Blogs\' (ID: 58) and \'Expert Sessions\' (ID: 59).","reasoning": "The \'Blogs\' link likely leads to a section where the latest articles are published. Clicking on this link will help us find the latest articles.","action_code": "click_id(58)"}```[User Agent]: We are using browser interaction to solve a complex task which needs multi-step actions.Here are the overall task:<overall_task>Find the latest articles on Analytics Vidhya\'s official website.</overall_task>In order to solve the task, we made a detailed plan previously. Here is the detailed plan:<detailed plan>### Task RestatementThe task is to find the latest articles on Analytics Vidhya\'s official website. This involves navigating the website to locate the section where the most recent articles are published and gathering information about these articles.### Replanned Detailed Plan1. **Open the Website:**- Start by opening a web browser and entering the URL `https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/` to access the homepage of Analytics Vidhya.2. **Accept Cookies and Close Pop-ups:**- Accept all cookies to ensure smooth navigation and close any pop-ups that may obstruct the view of the homepage.3. **Locate the Articles Section:**- Look for a section that typically features the latest articles. This could be labeled as "Latest Articles," "Recent Posts," or something similar.- If there is a navigation menu, check for options like "Blog," "Articles," or "Resources" that might lead to a page dedicated to articles.4. **Use the Search Function:**- If the latest articles are not immediately visible, use the website\'s search function. Look for a search bar, usually located at the top of the page, and enter keywords like "latest articles" or "recent posts."5. **Check for a Blog or News Section:**- If available, click on a "Blog" or "News" section from the main menu or footer links. This section often contains a chronological list of articles.6. **Identify the Latest Articles:**- Once in the appropriate section, identify the latest articles by looking at the publication dates. Articles are usually listed in reverse chronological order, with the newest at the top.7. **Gather Information:**- For each of the latest articles, note down the title, author, publication date, and a brief summary or introduction if available.8. **Verify and Cross-Check:**- Ensure that the articles you have identified are indeed the latest by cross-checking the publication dates and any timestamps provided.9. **Document Findings:**- Compile the information gathered into a document or list for easy reference.10. **Stay Updated:**- Consider subscribing to the website\'s newsletter or RSS feed if available, to receive updates on new articles directly.This replanned schema emphasizes the use of the search function and navigation menus more prominently, as scrolling alone has not yet revealed the latest articles.</detailed plan>According to the task above, we have made a series of observations, reasonings, and actions. Here are the latest 5 trajectory (at most) we have taken:<history>[{\'round\': 5, \'observation\': "The page shows a section titled \'Experience the Analytics Vidhya difference\' with options like \'Discover,\' \'Upskill,\' and \'Engage.\' There is a link labeled \'Blogs\' (ID: 58) and \'Expert Sessions\' (ID: 59).", \'thought\': "The \'Blogs\' link likely leads to a section where the latest articles are published. Clicking on this link will help us find the latest articles.", \'action\': \'click_id(58)\', \'action_if_success\': True, \'info\': \'Action was successful.\', \'current_url\': \'https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/\[Assistant Agent]: ```json{"observation": "The page shows a list of articles. The first article is titled \'All You Need to Know About Cohere’s Command A\' by Nitika Sharma, dated 15 Mar, 2025. The second article is \'Top 6 SOTA LLMs for Code, Web search, Research and More.\' There is a \'By Latest\' filter option (ID: 70) at the top.","reasoning": "The page is displaying the latest articles. To ensure they are sorted by the most recent, I should click the \'By Latest\' filter option to confirm the sorting order.","action_code": "click_id(70)"}```[User Agent]: We are solving a complex web task which needs multi-step browser interaction. After the multi-step observation, reasoning and acting with web browser, we think that the task is currently solved.Here are all trajectory we have taken:<history>[{\'round\': 0, \'observation\': "The current viewport shows the homepage of Analytics Vidhya. The page has a prominent header with the text \'Building Next-Generation AI Professionals.\' There is a \'Login/Register\' button (ID: 52) and options to accept cookies (ID: 306) or use necessary cookies (ID: 307). The Analytics Vidhya logo is present at the top left (ID: 46).", \'thought\': \'To proceed with finding the latest articles, I should first accept all cookies to ensure smooth navigation. This might also reveal more interactive elements or sections on the page.\', \'action\': \'click_id(306)\', \'action_if_success\': True, \'info\': \'Action was successful.\', \'current_url\': \'https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/\[Assistant Agent]: ```json{"observation": "The page shows a list of articles with a sorting option. The \'By Latest\' filter is expanded, showing options \'By Popular\' (ID: 353) and \'By Latest\' (ID: 354). The articles are already sorted by the latest.","reasoning": "The articles are already sorted by the latest. I should now gather information about the latest articles displayed.","action_code": "stop()"}```[Assistant Agent]: ', 'tool_calls': [{'id': 'call_ji2rl0vYHWNQUEoEpuovHgHX', 'type': 'function', 'function': {'name': 'browse_url', 'arguments': '{"task_prompt": "Find the latest articles on Analytics Vidhya\'s official website.", "start_url": "https://www.analyticsvidhya.com/", "round_limit": 12}[User Agent]: Now please give me instructions to solve over overall task step by step. If the task requires some specific knowledge, please instruct me to use tools to complete the task.[User Agent]: Solution: I have successfully accessed Analytics Vidhya\'s official website and found the latest articles. Here are the most recent articles:1. **"All You Need to Know About Cohere’s Command A"** by Nitika Sharma, dated 15 Mar, 2025.2. **"Top 6 SOTA LLMs for Code, Web search, Research and More"** (author not specified).These articles are sorted by the latest, ensuring that the most recent articles are displayed at the top. If you need more information or specific articles, you can explore the \'Blog\' section on Analytics Vidhya\'s website.Next request.[Assistant Agent]: Solution: I have successfully accessed Analytics Vidhya\'s official website and found the latest articles. Here are the most recent articles:1. **"All You Need to Know About Cohere’s Command A"** by Nitika Sharma, dated 15 Mar, 2025.2. **"Top 6 SOTA LLMs for Code, Web search, Research and More"** (author not specified).These articles are sorted by the latest, ensuring that the most recent articles are displayed at the top. If you need more information or specific articles, you can explore the \'Blog\' section on Analytics Vidhya\'s website.Next request.[User Agent]: Solution: I have already accessed Analytics Vidhya\'s website and provided the latest articles in the previous response. Here they are again for your convenience:1. **"All You Need to Know About Cohere’s Command A"** by Nitika Sharma, dated 15 Mar, 2025.2. **"Top 6 SOTA LLMs for Code, Web search, Research and More"** (author not specified).These articles are sorted by the latest, ensuring that the most recent articles are displayed at the top. If you need more information or have any other requests, feel free to let me know!Next request.[User Agent]: Instruction: Confirm if you have completed the task of finding the latest articles from Analytics Vidhya.Input: None[Assistant Agent]: Solution: I have already accessed Analytics Vidhya\'s website and provided the latest articles in the previous response. Here they are again for your convenience:1. **"All You Need to Know About Cohere’s Command A"** by Nitika Sharma, dated 15 Mar, 2025.2. **"Top 6 SOTA LLMs for Code, Web search, Research and More"** (author not specified).These articles are sorted by the latest, ensuring that the most recent articles are displayed at the top. If you need more information or have any other requests, feel free to let me know!Next request.[User Agent]: Solution: Yes, I have completed the task of finding the latest articles from Analytics Vidhya. The most recent articles identified are:1. **"All You Need to Know About Cohere’s Command A"** by Nitika Sharma, dated 15 Mar, 2025.2. **"Top 6 SOTA LLMs for Code, Web search, Research and More"** (author not specified).These articles were sorted by the latest, ensuring that the most recent content was provided. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please let me know!Next request.[Assistant Agent]: Instruction: Confirm if you have completed the task of finding the latest articles from Analytics Vidhya.Input: None[User Agent]: CAMEL_TASK_DONE[Assistant Agent]: Solution: Yes, I have completed the task of finding the latest articles from Analytics Vidhya. The most recent articles identified are:1. **"All You Need to Know About Cohere’s Command A"** by Nitika Sharma, dated 15 Mar, 2025.2. **"Top 6 SOTA LLMs for Code, Web search, Research and More"** (author not specified).These articles were sorted by the latest, ensuring that the most recent content was provided. If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please let me know!Next request.


推荐阅读:Manus AI 比 OpenAI Operator 更好吗?


OWL 有许多内置工具包,可以帮助它高效地执行不同的任务。不过,有些工具包需要能理解不同类型数据(如图像、视频和网页内容)的高级人工智能模型。

下面是对 OWL 工具包的详细但易于理解的分解:

1. 多模态工具包(处理网页、图像和视频)


  • BrowserToolkit→ 控制网页浏览器自动点击、滚动、输入、下载文件和浏览网站。
  • VideoAnalysisToolkit→ 处理和分析视频,提取有用信息(如识别物体、文本或语音)。
  • ImageAnalysisToolkit→理解并分析图像,检测物体、颜色、图案等。


2. 基于文本的工具包(处理文档、代码、搜索和音频)


  • AudioAnalysisToolkit→ 处理和分析音频文件(需要 OpenAI API)。可用于语音到文本、声音分类和音乐分析。
  • CodeExecutionToolkit→ 直接运行 Python 代码。适用于数据分析、编程和自动化。
  • SearchToolkit→ 使用谷歌、DuckDuckGo 或维基百科搜索网络,查找实时信息。
  • DocumentProcessingToolkit→ 从 PDF、Word 文件 (DOCX) 和其他文档中提取并处理文本,以便于阅读或分析。

用例示例:开发人员希望自动执行 Python 代码,或者写作人员需要从 PDF 中提取文本–这些工具包让一切变得简单。

3. 附加专业工具包(满足特定需求)

OWL 还包括许多用于特殊任务的额外工具包:

  • ArxivToolkit→ 从 ArXiv 中搜索科学论文(对研究人员很有用)。
  • GitHubToolkit→ 与 GitHub 交互,帮助开发人员管理资源库和编码项目。
  • GoogleMapsToolkit→ 查找位置、方向和地图数据。
  • MathToolkit→ 解数学公式和计算。
  • NetworkXToolkit→ 分析网络数据和连接(用于数据科学)。
  • NotionToolkit→ 与 Notion(一种生产力工具)配合使用,以组织和检索信息。
  • RedditToolkit→ 从Reddit获取帖子、评论和讨论。
  • WeatherToolkit→ 实时查看天气。

用例示例:科学家使用 ArxivToolkit 查找学术论文,企业主使用 GoogleMapsToolkit 获取位置数据。

为什么 OWL 工具包很有用?

  1. 节省时间→ 自动搜索、文档处理和网络交互。
  2. 提高效率→ 无需手动提取文本、搜索网络或分析图像。
  3. 多功能→ 可处理多种类型的数据(文本、图像、视频和音频)。
  4. 非常适合研究与开发→ 对学术界、开发人员和企业非常有用。


OWL 的总体愿景是彻底改变人工智能代理协作,使任务自动化在各个领域更加自然、高效和灵活。通过利用代理之间的动态交互,OWL 试图解决现实世界任务的复杂性,为更复杂、更自主的人工智能系统铺平道路。

  • 分享知识–撰写博文解释你的发现。
  • 扩展工具包–为不同领域添加专用工具。
  • 改善代理的团队合作–为代理创建更好的交互方式。
  • 提高推理能力–让 OWL 更好地解决复杂的多步骤问题。


OWL Agent 不只是另一个人工智能框架,它正在重新定义自主人工智能协作。通过实现无缝的多代理团队合作,OWL 减少了对人类的依赖,同时提高了各种任务的效率。

但真正的关键是 在关键基准测试中,OWL Agent 的表现优于 Manus AI,证明其优化的劳动力学习方法在现实世界的自动化中取得了卓越的成果。无论是网络自动化、实时搜索还是多模态数据处理,OWL 都在树立新的标准。

