


精心設計的提示語幫助搜尋引擎優化專家 Shelly Fagin 取得了顯著的成果,網站流量增加了 30% 之多,令人印象深刻。她說,這就是為什麼完善提示語對於確保 ChatGPT 等人工智慧生成工具提供最佳產出至關重要。


以下是 Fagin 在 SMX 高階會議上總結的最佳提示,以及她為實現最佳效能而使用的一些提示。


製作有效的提示對於產生獨特的產出至關重要。請務必假定您的競爭對手也在使用 ChatGPT,並會從您提供的提示中學習。

要想脫穎而出,就必須簡明扼要,提供詳細的說明,避免過於複雜的問題,以免造成混淆和偏離您的意圖。正如 Fagin 所解釋的那樣:

  • 簡明扼要:“要具體。我發現將提示語分成幾個部分也很有幫助”。
  • 要有針對性:“確保您的提示相關,因為 ChatGPT 非常注重對話。如果我們要將它們分解,我們要儘量避免引入不相關的話題,即使是不小心引入的,也會在你的回答中誤入歧途。”
  • 注意力要集中:“確保你的注意力集中。這應該與相關性類似,但在你的提示中。避免開放式問題或過於寬泛的提示。我們希望儘可能具體”。
  • 明確定義:“避免使用我們可能知道的專業術語,但也許 ChatGBT 並不瞭解術語或行話背後的背景。與其使用這些術語,不如非常具體地說明其含義。你會得到更好的結果”。


使用本八步提示策略,使用 ChatGPT 製作獨特、高質量的編輯簡報:

  • 確定主要查詢/關鍵詞和內容主題。
  • 抓取谷歌搜尋結果。
  • 搜尋意圖分析
  • 受眾分析
  • 內容摘要。
  • 標題和描述
  • 缺失的主題
  • 內容大綱

Fagin 說,將提示分解成八個步驟大大提高了輸出質量,並補充說還可以在流程中增加更多步驟。

她強調說,雖然這看起來可能很費時間,但比起沒有 ChatGPT 的幫助而手動建立簡報,效率還是要高得多。


由於資源有限,Fagin 希望儘可能實現內容生成的自動化,因此她和她的團隊探索了不同的工具。其中有三個非常有價值的工具:

  • Streamlit.
  • Github.
  • Selenium.


步驟 1

“在不瞭解搜尋意圖的情況下,你怎麼能不開始任何創意或優化工作呢?Fagin 說。當她試圖瞭解人們在搜尋不同關鍵詞時的期望時,她會在 ChatGPT 中使用以下提示:

I am writing A blog post. I want to analyze the search intent for this search term on Google. The Google search term is [insert keyword]. I want to understand what people are expecting when searching for this term.

步驟 2

Fagin 說,她在同樣的提示中使用了下面的說明:

The titles of the current top 10 results have been provided below and can be considered for analysis. It can be helpful to understand what is currently appearing on Google Search [insert scraped page titles from Google search for the target keyword].

然後,ChatGPT 會 “插入所有從第一步中獲取的頁面標題,這些頁面標題實際上是在後臺執行的”。

步驟 3

ChatGPT 可理解意圖分類 – 類似於 Semrush 或 Ahrefs 等工具,因此其分析可包括意圖分類部分,將意圖分為四個部分:

  • 資訊
  • 導航
  • 商業
  • 交易

步驟 4

您希望 ChatGPT 以這種格式生成答案:

  • 搜尋意圖分析:針對每個搜尋標題,確定人們在搜尋關鍵詞時的目的,並按搜尋意圖進行分類。
  • 搜尋意圖分類:提及四種意圖,並就搜尋是否適合該意圖提供推理。以及意圖分類。



Fagin 說,受眾分析可以幫助你瞭解自己的目標讀者群。

步驟 1

為了讓 ChatGPT 在您撰寫博文時為您提供幫助,她建議使用以下提示:

I am writing a blog article which is centered around the keyword [insert keyword]. I want to understand what audience to target in my blog post.

步驟 2

Fagin 說,將關鍵詞知識與搜尋意圖分析中獲得的洞察力結合起來。這種分析應包括最終搜尋意圖和特定受眾資訊。

  • 最終搜尋意圖。
  • 關於受眾的相關見解。
  • 受眾的性別分類。
  • 受眾的年齡範圍
  • 受眾的地理位置。
  • 受眾的興趣和愛好。
  • 針對目標受眾在文章中提及的長尾關鍵詞列表。



您可以使用自己的文章作為輸入。或者,您也可以輸入您的目標關鍵詞目前排名第一的文章的 URL。

我們的目標是超越他們,因此您需要一份條理清晰的摘要,涵蓋所有重要主題,長度在 500 到 1000 字之間。

為此,Fagin 建議使用以下內容摘要提示:

I want to summarize an article on [insert target keyword]. The name of the article is [insert page title]. Provide a well-structured output that covers all topics mentioned in their articles.




步驟 1

Fagin 建議使用這個準確的提示:

I want to optimize a blog article’s title and meta description. The current title is [insert title] and the current meta description is [insert meta description]. The article is centred around the keyword [insert keyword].

步驟 2

Fagin 強調了為人工智慧提供清晰指示的重要性,並建議使用以下提示之一來改進標題和描述:

Use the insights from the search intent analysis for the keyword. Give me 5 blog titles that are tailored towards this audience. The blog title should mention the keyword or variation of the keyword and stand out in the search results and be up to 60 characters long.


Give me 5 meta descriptions for the article. Use the article summary provided below to produce meta descriptions. The meta description should mention the article keyword, be clickworthy in Google search results and up to 150 characters long.

Fagin 補充說,你可以根據自己的品牌和公司的實際情況,改變和調整這些提示。

步驟 3

隨後,Fagin 解釋瞭如何告訴 ChatGPT 使用此提示格式化結果:

Plain text
Copy to clipboard
Open code in new window
EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
Please answer in the following format.
Please answer in the following format. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Please answer in the following format.



您還可以指示 ChatGPT 加入更多資訊,以及在撰寫文案時應採取的方法,Fagin 說這 “確實提高了我們的產出”:

I want you to act as an SEO and a topic expert on [Insert Your Topic]. Your task is to add additional information in an article that is centred around the keyword [insert keyword].
Plain text
Copy to clipboard
Open code in new window
EnlighterJS 3 Syntax Highlighter
The article outline and content of the article that has been provided below. I want you execute these tasks in the following order:
1. Suggest 10 new additional topics relevant to the keyword, and this new topic should enhance the article by providing more depth and value to our readers.
2. Explain why each new topic is important and how it contributes to the overall understanding of the keyword.
3. Recommend appropriate locations within the article to insert each new topic, ensuring A coherent and well structured flow of information.
The article outline and content of the article that has been provided below. I want you execute these tasks in the following order: 1. Suggest 10 new additional topics relevant to the keyword, and this new topic should enhance the article by providing more depth and value to our readers. 2. Explain why each new topic is important and how it contributes to the overall understanding of the keyword. 3. Recommend appropriate locations within the article to insert each new topic, ensuring A coherent and well structured flow of information.
The article outline and content of the article that has been provided below. I want you execute these tasks in the following order:

1. Suggest 10 new additional topics relevant to the keyword, and this new topic should enhance the article by providing more depth and value to our readers.
2. Explain why each new topic is important and how it contributes to the overall understanding of the keyword.
3. Recommend appropriate locations within the article to insert each new topic, ensuring A coherent and well structured flow of information.


步驟 1

下面的提示讓 AI 充當搜尋引擎優化策略師,目標是通過在大綱中加入之前確定的主題來改進現有的文章結構:

Act as a SEO content strategist on [insert topic]. I am optimizing an article for the keyword [insert keyword] and I want to improve the current outline and insert missing topics within the current outline.

步驟 2

Fagin 解釋說,還有更多的說明可以用來進一步改進內容,她說這對編輯來說 “真的很有幫助”:

  • Provide the current outline in a structured format with headings and subheadings. Separate the headings with lines and provide indentations for subheadings.
  • Add the additional topics to the current article outline and suggest a new content outline in a clear and easy-to-follow format for the reader.
  • In the new outline, mark which topics are new and which were existing in the previous outline.
  • Provide any additional suggestions on how to improve the outline.


Fagin 接著分享了一些有用的建議,以提高提示的有效性:

  • 加入令人驚訝的事實或統計資料:“You always need to verify the accuracy. If statistics don’t exist or ChatGPT doesn’t find them, it will make something up. So make sure you have experts who are reviewing and verifying any kind of fact or statistic.”
  • 要求它使用類比來解釋複雜的概念:“I am awful at analogies, so this has been a godson for me!”
  • 讓它扮演記者、會計、搜尋引擎優化等角色。“Whatever makes the most sense for your content in your topic, ask ChatGPT to write in that style.”
  • 以……的口吻寫作A lot of companies have a voice for their brand – I know we certainly do. So you want AI to learn how you write and write in the style of your brand.”
  • 徵求改進內容的建議:“Once you’re done, ask for suggestions on how to improve your content. These may not be great but you just never know.”



雖然人工智慧可以促進搜尋引擎優化策略,但仍有一些問題,Fagin 說:

  • “ChatGPT有時會寫出聽起來合理但不正確或無意義的答案,因此請檢查事實”。
  • “模型經常過於囉嗦。它經常過度使用某些短語,並傾向於重述事情。因此,請注意這一點。”
  • “這應該是不言自明的,但請投入大量資金聘請專家編輯來編輯您的文案,以稽覈和驗證您的主張以及由 ChatGPT 製作的任何內容。”
  • “無論您向 ChatGPT 輸入什麼,它都會學習。因此,它有可能將學習到的資訊暴露給他人。因此,請考慮為企業隱私提供一個獨立版本。這就是我們的工作方式。
