


註釋有助於向其他程式設計師解釋你的 Python 程式碼,並且可以提醒你為什麼做出這樣的選擇。註釋通過幫助未來的程式設計師理解軟體背後的設計選擇,使除錯和修改程式碼更加容易。




根據Python PEP 8樣式指南,在寫註釋時有幾件事需要注意:

  • 註釋應該始終是完整而簡明的句子。
  • 沒有註釋總比有一個難以理解或不準確的註釋要好。
  • 註釋應該定期更新,以反映你的程式碼的變化。
  • 太多的註釋會使人分心並降低程式碼質量。如果程式碼的目的很明顯,就不需要註釋。

在Python中,當一行以 # 符號開始時,它就被宣告為註釋。當Python直譯器在你的程式碼中遇到 # 時,它將忽略該符號之後的任何內容,並且不會產生任何錯誤。有兩種方法來宣告單行註釋:內聯註釋和塊註釋。



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border = x + 10 # Make offset of 10px
border = x + 10 # Make offset of 10px
border = x + 10  # Make offset of 10px



區塊註釋用於描述程式碼中的複雜邏輯。Python 中的塊狀註釋的構造與內聯註釋類似 – 唯一的區別是塊狀註釋是寫在單獨的一行上。

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import csv
from itertools import groupby
# Get a list of names in a sequence from the csv file
with open('new-top-firstNames.csv') as f:
file_csv = csv.reader(f)
# Skip the header part: (sr, name, perc)
header = next(file_csv)
# Only name from (number, name, perc)
persons = [ x[1] for x in file_csv]
# Sort the list by first letter because
# The groupby function looks for sequential data.
persons.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
data = groupby(persons, key=lambda x:x[0])
# Get every name as a list
data_grouped = {}
for k, v in data:
# Get data in the form
# {'A' : ["Anthony", "Alex"], "B" : ["Benjamin"]}
data_grouped[k] = list(v)
import csv from itertools import groupby # Get a list of names in a sequence from the csv file with open('new-top-firstNames.csv') as f: file_csv = csv.reader(f) # Skip the header part: (sr, name, perc) header = next(file_csv) # Only name from (number, name, perc) persons = [ x[1] for x in file_csv] # Sort the list by first letter because # The groupby function looks for sequential data. persons.sort(key=lambda x:x[0]) data = groupby(persons, key=lambda x:x[0]) # Get every name as a list data_grouped = {} for k, v in data: # Get data in the form # {'A' : ["Anthony", "Alex"], "B" : ["Benjamin"]} data_grouped[k] = list(v)
import csv
from itertools import groupby
# Get a list of names in a sequence from the csv file
with open('new-top-firstNames.csv') as f:
file_csv = csv.reader(f)
# Skip the header part: (sr, name, perc)
header = next(file_csv)
# Only name from (number, name, perc)
persons = [ x[1] for x in file_csv]
# Sort the list by first letter because 
# The groupby function looks for sequential data.
persons.sort(key=lambda x:x[0])
data = groupby(persons, key=lambda x:x[0])
# Get every name as a list 
data_grouped = {}
for k, v in data:
# Get data in the form 
# {'A' : ["Anthony", "Alex"], "B" : ["Benjamin"]}
data_grouped[k] = list(v)

注意,當使用塊狀註釋時,註釋是寫在它們所解釋的程式碼上面的。Python PEP8 風格指南規定,一行程式碼不應包含超過79個字元,而內聯註釋常常使行數超過這個長度。這就是為什麼要寫塊狀註釋,在不同的行中描述程式碼。


Python 本身並不支援多行註釋,這意味著沒有專門的規定來定義它們。儘管如此,跨越多行的註釋經常被使用。

你可以通過在每一行前面加上 # 來建立一個多行註釋,而不是幾個單行註釋。

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# interpreter
# ignores
# these lines
# interpreter # ignores # these lines
# interpreter 
# ignores
# these lines

你也可以使用多行字串的語法。在Python中,你可以用 """,三個雙引號,或 ''',三個單引號包圍它們來定義多行字串。

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print("Multi-Line Comment")
String is
Multi line
print("Multi-Line Comment") """ This String is Multi line """
print("Multi-Line Comment")
String is 
Multi line 

在上面的程式碼中,多行字串沒有分配給一個變數,這使得這個字串像一個註釋一樣工作。在執行時,Python 忽略了這個字串,它不會被包含在位元組碼中。執行上面的程式碼會產生下面的輸出。

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Multi-Line Comment
Multi-Line Comment
Multi-Line Comment




在 Python 中,docstrings 是多行註釋,解釋如何使用一個給定的函式或類。通過建立高質量的 docstrings,可以改善你的程式碼的文件。當使用一個函式或類並使用內建的 help(obj) 函式時,docstrings 可能有助於給出物件的概況。

Python PEP 257 提供了一種在 Python 中宣告 docstrings 的標準方法,如下所示:

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from collections import namedtuple
Person = namedtuple('Person', ['name', 'age'])
def get_person(name, age, d=False):
Returns a namedtuple("name", "age") object.
Also returns dict('name', 'age') if arg `d` is True
name – first name, must be string
age – age of person, must be int
d – to return Person as `dict` (default=False)
p = Person(name, age)
if d:
return p._asdict()
return p
from collections import namedtuple Person = namedtuple('Person', ['name', 'age']) def get_person(name, age, d=False): """ Returns a namedtuple("name", "age") object. Also returns dict('name', 'age') if arg `d` is True Arguments: name – first name, must be string age – age of person, must be int d – to return Person as `dict` (default=False) """ p = Person(name, age) if d: return p._asdict() return p
from collections import namedtuple
Person = namedtuple('Person', ['name', 'age'])
def get_person(name, age, d=False):
Returns a namedtuple("name", "age") object.
Also returns dict('name', 'age') if arg `d` is True
name  – first name, must be string
age   – age of person, must be int
d     – to return Person as `dict` (default=False)
p = Person(name, age)
if d:
return p._asdict()
return p


一個定義在函式或類簽名下面的文件串也可以通過使用內建的 help() 函式返回。 help() 函式接受一個物件或函式名稱作為引數,並將函式的文件串作為輸出返回。在上面的例子中,可以呼叫 help(get_person) 來顯示與 get_person 函式相關的文件串。如果你在互動式 shell 中使用  -i 標誌執行上面的程式碼,你可以看到這個 docstring 將如何被 Python 解析。通過輸入  python -i file.py 來執行上面的程式碼。



 help(get_person) 函式呼叫返回你的函式的文件串。輸出包含  get_person(name, age, d=False),這是一個 Python 自動新增的函式簽名。

get_person.__ doc__ 屬性也可以被用來以程式設計方式檢索和修改 docstring。在上面的例子中新增了 “一些更多的新資訊 “之後,它出現在對  help(get_person) 的第二次呼叫中。儘管如此,你不太可能需要像這樣在執行時動態地改變 docstrings。





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# TODO Get serialized data from the CSV file
# TODO Perform calculations on the data
# TODO Return to the user
# TODO Get serialized data from the CSV file # TODO Perform calculations on the data # TODO Return to the user
# TODO Get serialized data from the CSV file
# TODO Perform calculations on the data
# TODO Return to the user

值得注意的是,儘管許多 IDE 可以為程式設計師突出顯示這些註釋,但 Python 直譯器對 TODO 註釋的看法與塊註釋沒有任何區別。





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x = x + 4 # increase x by 4
x = x + 4 # increase x by 4
x = x + 4 # increase x by 4

這條註釋並不有用,因為它只是簡單地說明了程式碼的作用,而沒有解釋為什麼需要這樣做。註釋應該解釋 “為什麼”,而不是它們所描述的程式碼的 “什麼”。


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x = x + 4 # increase the border width
x = x + 4 # increase the border width
x = x + 4 # increase the border width



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# return area by performing, Area of cylinder = (2*PI*r*h) + (2*PI*r*r)
def get_area(r,h):
return (2*3.14*r*h) + (2*3.14*r*r)
# return area by performing, Area of cylinder = (2*PI*r*h) + (2*PI*r*r) def get_area(r,h): return (2*3.14*r*h) + (2*3.14*r*r)
# return area by performing, Area of cylinder = (2*PI*r*h) + (2*PI*r*r)
def get_area(r,h):
return (2*3.14*r*h) + (2*3.14*r*r)


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# return area of cylinder
def get_area(r,h):
return (2*3.14*r*h) + (2*3.14*r*r)
# return area of cylinder def get_area(r,h): return (2*3.14*r*h) + (2*3.14*r*r)
# return area of cylinder
def get_area(r,h):
return (2*3.14*r*h) + (2*3.14*r*r)



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# return class() after modifying argument
def func(cls, arg):
return cls(arg+5)
# return class() after modifying argument def func(cls, arg): return cls(arg+5)
# return class() after modifying argument
def func(cls, arg):
return cls(arg+5)

上面的註釋提到了 class 和 argument,但這兩者在程式碼中都沒有找到。這條註釋可以改寫為:

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# return cls() after modifying arg
def func(cls, arg):
return cls(arg+5)
# return cls() after modifying arg def func(cls, arg): return cls(arg+5)
# return cls() after modifying arg
def func(cls, arg):
return cls(arg+5)





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# function to do x work
def do_something(y):
# x work cannot be done if y is greater than max_limit
if y < 400:
print('doing x work')
# function to do x work def do_something(y): # x work cannot be done if y is greater than max_limit if y < 400: print('doing x work')
# function to do x work
def do_something(y):
# x work cannot be done if y is greater than max_limit
if y < 400:
print('doing x work')


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# function to do x if arg:y is less than max_limit
def do_something(y):
if y in range(400):
print('doing x work')
# function to do x if arg:y is less than max_limit def do_something(y): if y in range(400): print('doing x work')
# function to do x if arg:y is less than max_limit
def  do_something(y):
if y in range(400):
print('doing x work')




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for i in range(2,20, 2):
# only even numbers
if verify(i):
# i should be verified by verify()
for i in range(2,20, 2): # only even numbers if verify(i): # i should be verified by verify() perform(x)
for i in range(2,20, 2):
# only even numbers
if verify(i):
# i should be verified by verify()


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# only even numbers
for i in range(2,20, 2):
# i should be verified by verify()
if verify(i):
# only even numbers for i in range(2,20, 2): # i should be verified by verify() if verify(i): perform(x)
# only even numbers
for i in range(2,20, 2):
# i should be verified by verify()
if verify(i):




